Wikli 2013, 04/24
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Neighbor News

25 Apr 2013 01:27

Welcome to Week 232

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: That's a stretch.

Neighbors expressed incredulity at a well-attended, community organized meeting about last month's police shooting. Read on, and see what you think. If you're looking for ways to stretch your mind your money, your mastery, or your muscles, this Wikli's got something for you.


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Columbia City Art Walk launch party

The Columbia City Art Walk is soon approaching. To celebrate our 3rd season, Community Arts Create (CAC) is hosting a launch party to herald summer's return. In participation with Ark Lodge Cinemas, CAC will host an evening event to launch our new Art Walk after-hours party.

This free party will have live music, live artists, food, beer, and more! Join us and invite your friends for this happy hour-ish celebration.

Thursday, April 25th 6-9pm. At Ark Lodge Cinemas. Free

moc.liamg|wnetaercstra#retnuH neB


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free e-cycling and paper shredding event

A benefit for the Rainier Community Center Youth Scholarships and The Windermere Foundation which serves low income and homeless families in SE Seattle.

Saturday, April 27 2013, 10am-2pm, Rainier Community Center parking lot, 4600 38th Ave. S.

  • appliances: washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.
  • machinery: lawn and garden equipment, bikes (donated to Bike Works)
  • electronics: computer equipment, cell phones, tv's, chargers, etc.
  • a paper shredder will be onsite to securely dispose of your sensitive items.

No charge. Donations gladly accepted. For a complete list of accepted items, please contact moc.eremredniW|einarbaS#moc.eremredniW|einarbaS or visit Sabranie's blog

Hope to see you there!

moc.eremredniW|einarbaS#enyoC einarbaS

Recycling and Shredding jpeg.jpg

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historical society annual meeting

Join Rainier Valley Historical Society, as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary at our annual meeting for members and friends. The meeting wil be held at the Mt. Baker Community Club, which is celebrating 100 years in the community.

This year we're very excited to have noted Public Historian Lorraine McConaghy presenting "Territorial Voices: A Civil War Reader's Theater." This is an interactive, living theater piece revealing varied opinions on race and slavery from our state's own Civil War History. The presentation is sponsored by Humanities Washington's Speakers Bureau.

Saturday May 4, doors open at 9am - meeting begins at 10am, a light lunch will be served following the program and we will have cake!

Mount Baker Community Club - 2811 Mount Rainier Dr S

moc.liamg|eciffoshvr#thgirW ainigriV


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Let's talk about books

Hey, read a good book lately? Share book recommendations with your friends and neighbors and find out what other people in your community are reading.

Columbia Library, Sunday, April 28, 1-2:30pm

Bring a book that you recently read and liked. Share your fiction and nonfiction suggestions and get ideas for what to read next. If you'd like to drop in and listen to others talk about books, you're absolutely welcome.

gro.lps|il.naud#iL nauD


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May Day festivities

A public celebration of this international working-class holiday will honor the life and ideas of Clara Fraser, the Original Socialist Feminist. The festivities will kick off Saturday May 4 with Mike's Louisiana Gumbo feast at 6pm, followed by the program at 7:30pm.

New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesPSF#llaH yaweerF weN


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Mother's Day parade: act now for women and kids

Festive, all-ages parade to honor mothers and highlight the need for affordable childcare, an end to domestic violence, stopping deportations that tear families apart, and funding services, jobs and public schools by taxing the rich and ending U.S. militarism. Strollers, tricycles, banners, and costumes encouraged.

Gather Saturday, May 11 at 1:30pm at Stevens Place Park, intersection of Beacon Ave S and 17th Ave S. March begins at 2pm, and concludes with a gathering at Maestes Festival Street.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesWR#nemoW lacidaR

march graphic for web.JPG

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Seattle Women In Jazz Festival

the first annual Seattle Women In Jazz Festival is happening this weekend, April 26-28 in venues all across Seattle, including the Rainier Valley Cultural Center. The goal is to highlight talented female musicians from Seattle and beyond and to make jazz music accessible to all people, especially youth. With over 15 acts, there's something for everyone, from sultry vocal showcases to jumpin' swing bands. So come out for a memorable evening and support these amazing artists. Here's the full lineup. Tickets and information can be found at: seattlewomeninjazz.com or on facebook.

moc.oohay|52uganek#raliugA ardneK


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Looking for a healing Friday night experience that's also fun? Check out Yoga-Nia. Everyone who has experienced the class has a happy afterglow.

Yoga-Nia is a combination class experience of 35 minutes of Nia and 35 minutes of Yoga with two teachers and a warm, welcoming environment. This class happens every 1st and 3rd Friday night in the Dojo at 5004 S Genesee St. mahaflow.com for more details.

moc.liamg|ainaillom#nesneJ ailloM

Maha Flow Yoga-Nia Flyer FINAL-WEB (1).jpg

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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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