Wikli 2013, 04/10
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

11 Apr 2013 01:45

Welcome to Week 231

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi

This one's a bi-Wikli — we'll post the next on April 24.


your Wikli-fix: Mother, May 1

Radical Women and Seattle's Freedom Socialists are putting on a handful of local events around May Day and Mothers' Day. So what are you waiting for? Yes you may.


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amnesty, equality & workers' rights

Amnesty, equality & workers' rights: the real immigration reform we need! — that's the topic of a public forum featuring a panel of labor and community organizers who will take a critical look at the impact of new federal immigration proposals. Speakers include union organizer Pedro Olguin, Chicana feminist and Arizona native Christina López, and Lois Danks, coordinator of Stop The Checkpoints from the Olympic Peninsula. Friday, April 19, 7pm. New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesPSF#llaH yaweerF weN


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community chorus spring session

Looking for a place to connect with your neighbors, have fun, make a joyful noise, and make a difference? Come sing with us! The Columbia City Community Chorus spring session starts Tuesday April 23 7:30-9pm downstairs at the Columbia City Church of Hope, 3818 S Angeline St.

We also have a Children's Chorus.

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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Let's talk about books

Hey, read a good book lately? Share book recommendations with your friends and neighbors and find out what other people in your community are reading.

Columbia Library, Sunday, April 28, 1-2:30pm

Bring a book that you recently read and liked. Share your fiction and nonfiction suggestions and get ideas for what to read next. If you'd like to drop in and listen to others talk about books, you're absolutely welcome.

gro.lps|il.naud#iL nauD


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May Day festivities

A public celebration of this international working-class holiday will honor the life and ideas of Clara Fraser, the Original Socialist Feminist. The festivities will kick off Saturday May 4 with Mike's Louisiana Gumbo feast at 6pm, followed by the program at 7:30pm.

New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesPSF#llaH yaweerF weN


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Mother's Day parade: act now for women and kids

Festive, all-ages parade to honor mothers and highlight the need for affordable childcare, an end to domestic violence, stopping deportations that tear families apart, and funding services, jobs and public schools by taxing the rich and ending U.S. militarism. Strollers, tricycles, banners, and costumes encouraged.

Gather Saturday, May 11 at 1:30pm at Stevens Place Park, intersection of Beacon Ave S and 17th Ave S. March begins at 2pm, and concludes with a gathering at Maestes Festival Street.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesWR#nemoW lacidaR

march graphic for web.JPG

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tents needed for family shelter

Church of Hope is teaming up once again with Mary's Place to provide emergency shelter for families April 30 - May 7. We're looking for donations of tents of any size (new or in good condition) to give the families a bit of privacy while they are staying in the basement. Please contact Darla at 722-5651 if you have a tent to donate — or if you'd like to volunteer! (Online signup at http://vols.pt/495).

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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