Wikli 2013, 03/06
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

07 Mar 2013 04:07

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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This Wikli is fairly light reading, but as always there are delightful details to share.


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Celebrate global sisters in action

For International Women's Day, salute women's leadership in international freedom struggles and cheer local feminist organizing efforts.

Saturday, March 9, 7:00 pm. One World Buffet served for $10 donation. Kids welcome. This is a benefit for Columia City-based Radical Women, but the event is at 900 Hiawatha Pl. S.

Information: 722-6057, moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesWR#moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesWR.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesWR#nemoW lacidaR


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dance camp for girls

We are excited for year 2 of dance camp. This camp is for girls entering 4th, 5th and 6th grade in the fall. The emphasis is on creating dance through story, group work and free dance exploration.

In addition to making our own dances we engage in art journals, daily walks, drawing inspiration from nature (mingled with our imagination of course) and daily yoga with Sandy McDonald of Yoga Umbrella.

Details and registration

moc.liamg|ainaillom#nesneJ ailloM

Maha Flow Dance Camp 2013-Web (1).jpg

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free e-cycling and paper shredding event

A benefit for the Rainier Community Center Youth Scholarships and The Windermere Foundation which serves low income and homeless families in SE Seattle.

Saturday, April 27 2013, 10am-2pm, Rainier Community Center parking lot, 4600 38th Ave. S.

  • appliances: washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.
  • machinery: lawn and garden equipment, bikes (donated to Bike Works)
  • electronics: computer equipment, cell phones, tv's, chargers, etc.
  • a paper shredder will be onsite to securely dispose of your sensitive items.

No charge. Donations gladly accepted. For a complete list of accepted items, please contact moc.eremredniW|einarbaS#moc.eremredniW|einarbaS or visit Sabranie's blog

Hope to see you there!

moc.eremredniW|einarbaS#enyoC einarbaS

Recycling and Shredding jpeg.jpg

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LED streetlights: an abomination?

Some of us hate the new streetlights. If you're one, you may want to check out the petition at ipetition and see if you'd like to sign.

The petition asks the City Council and the Mayor to hear us about the new lights re: intensity, glare, expansiveness, color and/or intrusiveness. If you are interested in getting these lights addressed, please post wildly. I am not tech-savvy and have no blog. So, I am reaching out to neighbors to try to get us in touch about it.

If you love them, please don't try to convince me. I hate 'em. There must be an energy-efficient way to deal with our dear, dark streets around the lake. If Columbia City proper likes them, I don't mind. Just not on the residential streets in quiet areas.

I've also started a discussion thread here.



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ukulele group classes

Strum away those late winter blues. Come learn the fundamental skills to get you playing this versatile, portable, and fun instrument.

Beginner 1 Uke: Thurs Mar 14, 21, 28 Apr 4 5:30-6:15p
Beginner 2 Uke: Tues Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 6:30-7:15p

ten.ysaekaeps|ycartneelhtak#ycarT neelhtaK


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=dd6e11433ae9a9b69917d1acb50b4b5d&_render=rss&tag=blogossip&startdate=2013-02-28&enddate=2013-03-07","module_body":"[*%%link%% %%title%%]@< &#8209;&nbsp;>@[[span style=\"color: #666; font-style: italic;\"]]%%custom author%%[[\/span]]\n[[span style=\"font-size: smaller;\"]] %%description%% [[\/span]]"}}

Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=da86e608b27f0e5745ec22ee1cc11466&_render=rss&startdate=2013-02-28&enddate=2013-03-07&nsid=375399%40N22","module_body":"[[div style=\"float: left;\"]]\n[[table]] [[row]] [[cell style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 1em; vertical-align: center;\"]]\n%%description%% \n[[\/cell]] [[\/row]] [[\/table]]\n[[\/div]]"}}

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