Wikli 2013, 02/06
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

07 Feb 2013 01:10

Welcome to Week 223

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: new arrivals

An earlier version of this Wikli-fix had a bunch of dead links — sorry about that. They're updated now.

So what's new? Columbia Citizens are looking forward to greeting new businesses, a new congregation, and a new community leader. Please stop in and say hello.


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frameshop for lease

The Columbia City Gallery seeks an experienced framer to take over an established frameshop within the gallery. This entrepreneurial individual will sub-lease a 220 square foot area in the loft of the gallery. The monthly rent is $525 (including hi speed internet and all utilities). The frame shop has an established clientele, has been profitable since it opened in 2004, and is the only custom frame shop in the neighborhood. For more info, contact moc.yrellagyticaibmuloc|tra#moc.yrellagyticaibmuloc|tra or 760-9843.



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ukulele group classes

Need some smiles as we slog our way through mid-winter? Come play the ukulele! A new group uke session starts up the first week of February. Group lessons are a fun, affordable way to enjoy this sweet instrument. It's even more fun if you bring a friend along to practice with!

"Ukuleles will get you through times with no money better than money will get you through time with no ukulele."

ten.ysaekaeps|ycartneelhtak#ycarT neelhtaK


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=dd6e11433ae9a9b69917d1acb50b4b5d&_render=rss&tag=ccpost&startdate=2013-01-31&enddate=2013-02-07","module_body":"%%linked_title%%\n[[span style=\"font-size: smaller;\"]] %%description%% [[\/span]]"}}

Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=da86e608b27f0e5745ec22ee1cc11466&_render=rss&startdate=2013-01-31&enddate=2013-02-07&nsid=375399%40N22","module_body":"[[div style=\"float: left;\"]]\n[[table]] [[row]] [[cell style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 1em; vertical-align: center;\"]]\n%%description%% \n[[\/cell]] [[\/row]] [[\/table]]\n[[\/div]]"}}

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