Wikli 2012, 11/14
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

14 Nov 2012 13:01

Welcome to Week 213

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: Hey, thanks.

For the connections you make with your neighbors. For the effort you put into your favorite causes. For all the times you tap into what's happening around you. For paying attention. For showing up. For putting yourself out there to announce an event, to float an idea, or to let neighbors know what you think. It all helps to shape the space we share — so thanks.

This one's a bi-Wikli, see you on the other side of Thanksgiving.


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Arts Alive!

Let music gather with joy in your heart & a spirit full of thanks! Please join faculty & students at our gathering and performance and help keep arts alive. See how our local talent can bring a thankful spirit to our community.

Thanksgiving concert, Saturday Nov. 17, 4-6pm. Refreshments, music, & time to socialize! Held in lower level @ Columbia City Church of Hope, 3818 S. Angeline St.



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November community dinner

Join neighbors and friends at the Rainier Community Center on Friday, November 16 for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and garden celebration. Come by 3pm if you'd like to help cook. Eating starts at 5pm. Everyone is welcome and donations are greatly appreciated.

Every third Friday of the month volunteers come together to cook up tasty dinners using fresh local produce. To learn more contact Robert at moc.liamg|10rentrahr#moc.liamg|10rentrahr.

Diana Vergis VinhDiana Vergis Vinh


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road safety focus group

Team Soapbox is working with the City of Seattle on a road safety awareness campaign and we're holding several focus groups in Seattle to get feedback from 18-24 year old males on messaging. We need to recruit 8-10 participants for a 1 ½ hour focus group with a $50 cash incentive for participation. There are two focus groups, one in Rainier/Columbia City on Monday November 19 and one in South Park on November 27. Details are below.

moc.liamg|elttaesxobpaos#xobpaoS maeT


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Technology Center volunteers

Interested in helping others gain access to computers and technology? Want to bridge the "digital divide"? Interested in different cultures, languages, and diverse groups of people?

Come share your knowledge and expertise at the Neighborhood House Technology Centers!

These are our current volunteer listings.

If you have any questions about volunteering at the Rainier Vista or High Point Tech Centers, please email gro.awhn|dnosam#gro.awhn|dnosam. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

gro.awhn|dnosam#eefruD nosaM


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=da86e608b27f0e5745ec22ee1cc11466&_render=rss&startdate=2012-11-07&enddate=2012-11-14&nsid=375399%40N22","module_body":"[[div style=\"float: left;\"]]\n[[table]] [[row]] [[cell style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 1em; vertical-align: center;\"]]\n%%description%% \n[[\/cell]] [[\/row]] [[\/table]]\n[[\/div]]"}}

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