Wikli 2012, 11/07
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

07 Nov 2012 13:36

Welcome to Week 212

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: many happy returns

The day after, you may be floating or flinching, but for its part the Wikli is happy to have so many races and issues resolved. From the national scale to the hyper-local, our daily dialogues matter, and Columbia Citizens should be proud of our parts in the civic discourse that lent to Tuesday's results.


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Arts Alive!

Let music gather with joy in your heart & a spirit full of thanks! Please join faculty & students at our gathering and performance and help keep arts alive. See how our local talent can bring a thankful spirit to our community.

Thanksgiving concert, Saturday Nov. 17, 4-6pm. Refreshments, music, & time to socialize! Held in lower level @ Columbia City Church of Hope, 3818 S. Angeline St.



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Arts Gumbo: Argentina

On Saturday, November 10, Arts Gumbo 2012 presents Argentina with a musical performance by Tangabrazo, a Tango dance workshop for audiences and food at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 3515 S. Alaska St. in Columbia City.



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English tutoring services

I was a Chicago Public Schools high school English teacher for 7 years; I now live in Seattle. I have a Master's degree in Education and a Bachelor's in English. I teach all ages, all abilities - children, teen, adult, SpecialEd, ESL/ELL students, and have recently taught Research & Writing courses for the University of Phoenix.

$25: reading/writing/grammar teacher for hire / private tutor

moc.oohay|nosnormap#nosnoR maP


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ukulele group classes

The rains have arrived, the cold winds blow - stay chill this fall by learning to play the ukulele! Group classes are a fun, affordable way to learn the basic skills you need to get strumming, and to put a little island vibe into our darkening days.

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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