Wikli 2012, 10/17
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

17 Oct 2012 12:29

Welcome to Week 209

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: we eat this stuff up

Columbia Citizens are a pretty discerning crowd, so it's no surprise that the neighborhood caters to so many tastes. But who can resist what this week's Wikli offers?


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Columbia City Farmers Market

Join us Wednesday October 17 for the last market day of the season 3pm-7pm. Franklin High School's band will be joining us to celebrate.

gro.stekramsremrafelttaes|etak#gnitleS etaK


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Dr. Wanda Hackett on youth violence prevention

Lakewood Seward Park Community Club invites you to hear guest speaker Dr. Wanda Hackett, youth violence prevention, Thursday October 18, 7 pm. Lakewood-Seward Park Community Club, 4916 South Angeline Street

Safety is no longer a matter of location, but how we think about and relate to one another.

Sheila HSheila H


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Green grapes need picking.

With seeds, delicious flavor, could be wine grapes (Concorde)? I have made chutney, pie, and juice with them. Lots to share!



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Hawthorne Elementary raises $11K for school library

More than two dozen parents, teachers, staff and supporters of Hawthorne Elementary School have raised more than $11,300 to revamp the school's library — well over the $10,000 goal for the monthlong social-media fundraiser.

Learn more about the campaign.

Liz GillespieLiz Gillespie


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missing cat

Around 42nd and Alaska, our 8-year-old female cat is missing as of Tuesday morning, 10/16. She's white & tabby mix, named Machu Picchu and is very skittish around people. Please call 568-3984 with details/info. Thank you.


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October community dinner

Join your friends and neighbors at the October 19 dinner at the Rainier Community Center on the third Friday of the month from 5:30 to 6:30. Chef Robert and volunteers will be cooking up a delectable menu.

photos from the last dinner

moc.oohay|aatakna#hniV anaiD


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Technology Center volunteers

Interested in helping others gain access to computers and technology? Want to bridge the "digital divide"? Interested in different cultures, languages, and diverse groups of people?

Come share your knowledge and expertise at the Neighborhood House Technology Centers!

These are our current volunteer listings.

If you have any questions about volunteering at the Rainier Vista or High Point Tech Centers, please email gro.awhn|dnosam#gro.awhn|dnosam. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

gro.awhn|dnosam#eefruD nosaM


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urban self reliance program

The Columbia Branch of the Seattle Public Library will present the second of two Urban Self Reliance Programs in October:

Can You Eat Your Lawn? Using Permaculture Tools to Create Edible Landscapes Tuesday October 23, 6:30-7:45 pm

gro.lps|il.naud#iL nauD


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=da86e608b27f0e5745ec22ee1cc11466&_render=rss&startdate=2012-10-10&enddate=2012-10-17&nsid=375399%40N22","module_body":"[[div style=\"float: left;\"]]\n[[table]] [[row]] [[cell style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 1em; vertical-align: center;\"]]\n%%description%% \n[[\/cell]] [[\/row]] [[\/table]]\n[[\/div]]"}}

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