Wikli 2012, 10/10
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

10 Oct 2012 12:06

Welcome to Week 208

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: prevention

A healthy outlook starts with where we live, whether it's a good workout, real food, or meaningful connections with the people around us. At a very favorable 1:16 exchange rate, the Wikli springs for that ounce of prevention every time.


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Arts Gumbo: Brazil

On Saturday October 13, Arts Gumbo 2012 presents Brazil with a musical performance by Show Brazil!, samba dancing for audiences, a kids mask-making workshop, food and cultural displays at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 3515 S Alaska St in Columbia City.

Details are here.



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Columbia City Farmers Market

Just two weeks left at Columbia City Farmers Market! Get yourself to the market this afternoon to get your fill of fresh food and sunshine.

New to the market this week is Greenwater Farm with kiwis.

Kate SeltingKate Selting


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Dr. Wanda Hackett on youth violence prevention

Lakewood Seward Park Community Club invites you to hear guest speaker Dr. Wanda Hackett, youth violence prevention, Thursday October 18, 7 pm. Lakewood-Seward Park Community Club, 4916 South Angeline Street

Safety is no longer a matter of location, but how we think about and relate to one another.

Sheila HSheila H


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new dance studio in Columbia City

Come dance with us! Zumba, Funk Jazz and Hip hop. It's a very exciting dance party atmosphere full of Latin and international music. You'll forget you're working out with the sexy but simple moves to dance music like Cha Cha, Salsa, reggaeton, rumba and more. Best of all, you don't need any previous dance experience!

It's fun and effective, using interval training combining fast and slow rhythms for an effective aerobic workout while at the same time targetting your legs, abs, glutes and arms.

moc.liamg|uoleiffejhtiwsevoorgecnad#uoL eiffeJ


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October community dinner

Join your friends and neighbors at the October 19 dinner at the Rainier Community Center on the third Friday of the month from 5:30 to 6:30. Chef Robert and volunteers will be cooking up a delectable menu.

photos from the last dinner

moc.oohay|aatakna#hniV anaiD


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Windermere fall food drive

The Windermere Mount Baker office is conducting a fall food drive for the Rainier Valley Food Bank. The Rainier Valley Food Bank is based in Columbia City and provides assistance to nearly 11,000 Southeast Seattle residents monthly.

If you'd like to help out, give us a call at 725-7255 and we can pick up the food, or if you are driving by the office feel free to drop it off. We'll be delivering the donations to the food bank weekly, through the end of the year. There are a lot of our neighbors in need this year, so thank you for whatever you can do. If you would like a reusable Windermere bag as a thank you, please let us know.

moc.eremredniw|yadretsaeeoj#yadretsaE eoJ


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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