Wikli 2012, 10/03
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

03 Oct 2012 12:14

Welcome to Week 207

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: beyond debate

Some truths might go without saying, but let's just affirm them anyway. Columbia Citizens have ample choices to participate in an active, interesting, engaged civic discourse. Whether you're focused on the issues, the organizing, or just the camaraderie of getting together, you get to have your say and eat it too.


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Be sure to scroll through the upcoming events — Citizens have posted several items here.

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blessing of the animals

Sunday, October 7, 10:30am
Columbia City Church of Hope

Bring your cats, dogs, rats, hamsters — all of God's creatures are welcome in this special Sunday morning service celebrating the wonder of our pets and the blessings they continually bestow on us.

3818 S Angeline Street

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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Earth Ministry celebration of St. Francis

Hope, Anger, and Courage: Faithful Witness in a World of Climate Change with Dr. Kevin O'Brien and Dr. Brian Naasz of Pacific Lutheran University

Thursday, Oct 4, 2012, 7-8:30pm, Columbia City Church of Hope, 3818 South Angeline Street

Using contemporary debates about natural gas fracking and coal export as examples, a chemist and a Christian ethicist will present their perspectives on what it will take to nurture the environmental movement in Francis' spirit.

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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trees for Rainier Valley neighbors

Exciting news, Seattle neighbors! Seattle reLeaf's 2012 Trees for Neighborhoods program is underway. Want to beautify your home and neighborhood? Build a healthy community? Here's your chance. Trees for Neighborhoods provides up to four trees per household to plant in residential yards (renters and owners alike). In addition to free trees, participants in the program receive free watering bags, training on proper planting and care of trees, and ongoing tree care support. Yard tree applications will be due October 21application information is here.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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