Wikli 2012, 08/22
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

22 Aug 2012 12:14

Welcome to Week 202

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: Columbia City works

The Wikli thinks you'll agree: Columbia Citizens work hard to make this place work so well. Toward the end of summer, it feels good to take some time, reflect on a job well done, and look forward to the road ahead. This one's a bi-Wikli — let's pull the next one together after Labor Day weekend.


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annual barbecue & school supply drive

We invite you to our church this Sunday, August 26 from noon to 2 pm. This year we're also holding a school supply drive to support Hawthorne Elementary School. Bring yourself, your friends, and school supplies to church. Food, music, and fellowship will be there for everyone's enjoyment.

Columbia Lakewood Community Church is located at: 5005 S. Ferdinand St. (corner of 50th S. and S. Ferdinand). For more info, please call Pastor Jeff 723-9272 or email him at moc.nsm|2rekrabj#moc.nsm|2rekrabj

moc.liamg|32amahatit#sotnaS amlehT


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Columbia City Farmers Market

Mayor Mike McGinn is joining us at the Columbia City Farmers Market Wednesday August 22. Come hear his words on our new EBT bonus program at 3:30pm in the park. See you there!

gro.stekramsremrafelttaes|etak#gnitleS etaK


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Greece rises up

Women's Rights Day 2012 — Greece Rises Up! Fighting for the 99% from the ballot box to the streets

Learn how Greek women are being affected by the national debt crisis and gain insights into united front organizing that offers valuable lessons for U.S. feminists and activists.

Speaker: Christina Lopez, Radical Women leader, Chicana immigrant rights defender and Freedom Socialist candidate for U.S. Vice-President.

Saturday, August 25, 7:30pm • Greek dinner 6pm
Door donation $2 • Dinner donation $10
New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSWR#nemoW lacidaR

WRD greek student protest.JPG

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Make your mark on Columbia City

Have you noticed the brilliant shade of green on the chain-link fence outside the Columbia School building? Artist Tonia Arehart and her team of helpers have done a remarkable job improving the appearance of this once rusting, unsightly fence. The beautification is almost complete, but before it's done, she'll need your help. The last step will be adding decorative marks to the metal poles in the fence. Please see Tonia's note below.

moc.liamg|abcctnekekim#tneK ekiM


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marathon volunteers & runners needed

The Seattle Marathon is offering subsidized registration for everyone who raises at least $300 for Rainier Valley Food Bank via CrowdRise. We are also seeking folks to volunteer for the 10k and marathon on August 25th and Nov 25th. Support your neighborhood food bank!

Details are here.

gro.bfvr|esile#epoC esilE


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Rainier Community Center Advisory Council

Are you interested in being a part of the Rainier Community Center Advisory Council? We're looking for new members. We meet once a month to work with center staff to plan programs and events. It's a great group of people and a good way to help our community.

Please contact vog.elttaes|rehtniw.ahtram#vog.elttaes|rehtniw.ahtram for more info.

vog.elttaes|rehtniw.ahtram#rehtniW ahtraM


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Seattle HypnoBirthing classes, now in Columbia City

Kira and Tracy of Seattle HypnoBirthing® are delighted to offer childbirth education in Seattle Home Maternity Service's comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. If you're expecting, join us to you'll learn how to work with your body during birth, tools for working with your healthcare provider to develop birth preferences, experience and practice hypnosis to help you stay in calm control throughout your birth experience. Our next 5-class series will be held Tuesdays from 6 - 8:30pm, November 20 - December 18.

moc.gnihtribonpyhelttaes|ofni#smadA ycarT


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=da86e608b27f0e5745ec22ee1cc11466&_render=rss&startdate=2012-08-15&enddate=2012-08-22&nsid=375399%40N22","module_body":"[[div style=\"float: left;\"]]\n[[table]] [[row]] [[cell style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 1em; vertical-align: center;\"]]\n%%description%% \n[[\/cell]] [[\/row]] [[\/table]]\n[[\/div]]"}}

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