Wikli 2012, 06/27
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

27 Jun 2012 12:33

Welcome to Week 197

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi

This one's a bi-Wikli — happy 4th of July next week.


your Wikli-fix: Interdependence Day

Living in a neighborly little burgh like ours, who hasn't entertained notions of simply seceding and going it alone? We celebrate that we're a microcosm of the wider global community, and that's pecisely the point — in a world that too often feels disconnected, we've somehow managed to tie ours together in one place, to offer a rich, warm, textured experience of community. So this week let's declare our interdependence.

This one's a bi-Wikli. Enjoy yourselves on the 4th.


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Columbia City Chow Down

Back by popular demand … the second annual Columbia City Chow Down, Tuesday, July 24, 5 to 9pm. Sit, eat, repeat!

Support our great cause while taking a fun-filled culinary tour of Columbia City's fabulous restaurants. Columbia City boasts some of Seattle's newest, hottest food spots, as recently reported in the New York Times.

Buy your "passport" ($50 per person), bring your friends, and prepare to sample scrumptious bites from these restaurants.

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Columbia City Farmers Market

Apriums, artichokes and squash blossoms — Come enjoy all the bounty of early summer from 3pm-7pm Wednesday June 27 on Edmunds St.



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Kick off summer at the library

Columbia Branch celebrates the beginning of Summer Reading with two special programs, one for teens and one for children.

We invite all children, teens and adults to sign up for the Summer Reading Program and win prizes (drawings for Kindles for teens and adults) for reading or listening to stories.

For more information about summer events at the Columbia branch please go to the events calendar or call 386-1908.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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