Wikli 2012, 06/06
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

06 Jun 2012 11:50

Welcome to Week 194

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: mouthful

You'd be excused for talking with your mouth full this week, as there's plenty to talk about over dinner. Hang out in the park with friends and a bag of cherries. Support a cause. Influence the design of a new building. Get inspired, get creative. There's a lot to chew on in here.


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Columbia City Farmers Market

Wednesday June 6 at the Columbia City Farmers Market on Edmunds St from 3-7pm, come savor fresh strawberries and cherries while listening to music from the Bonnie Birch Duo.

Welcome back Lee Garden, Jacobs Creamery and Tandoozy!

Kate SeltingKate Selting


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Defend our sisters, expand our rights

Thursday, June 7, 7:30pm • Dinner served at 6:30pm

Learn about the growing national movement to win justice for Marissa Alexander, a Black mother from Florida who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for defending herself against her abusive husband. Did sexism and racism cause the judge to reject her "stand your ground" defense?

Also featured: a discussion of whether Democrats have done anything to earn women's votes, and an overview of activities for Seattle's annual Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans/Queer Pride Week. Add your thoughts and find out how you can get involved.

New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeswr#nemoW lacidaR


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Eat out in Columbia City

Please join us Wednesday, June 6, 2012 for the 4th annual Eat Out in Columbia City benefiting Country Doctor Community Clinic, providers of accessible healthcare services to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. Eat out in Columbia City is the perfect excuse to fine out, grab lunch or join friends and family for a drink after work. A portion of your bill will be donated to ensure everyone has a healthcare home at Country Doctor.

moc.liamg|1retsehjk#retseH eitaK


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Eat, shop, play & buy local on MLK

Eat, Shop, Play and Buy Local on MLK

The free 2012 MLK Business Association business district tour schedule is now available:

  • June 9 @ Graham 10:30 -12:00
  • July 14 @ Othello 10:30 -12:00
  • August 11 @ Graham 10:30 -a12:00
  • September TBA @ Othello 10:30 -12:00

Sign-up for 1 or all 4 tours by calling Sarah Valenta @ 760-4213 or emailing gro.awthgisemoh|haras#gro.awthgisemoh|haras or visit our facebook page.

gro.awthgisemoh|haraS#atnelaV haraS


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Laws of Nature: Laws of Man discussion series

The Rainier Valley Cultural Center is piloting a science and law discussion series in May and June. Featuring Morton and Phillip Tavel, scientist father and lawyer son, the series will explore the phenomena of the natural universe and the principles of society and how they affect us on Tuesdays, May 22 through June 12 at 7pm.

These discussions will be presented in lively, 50-minute talks, followed by a brief question and answer period. The discussions are independent of each other and audiences don't need to attend one to understand another. Tickets are $10 at the door.

The Rainier Valley Cultural Center is located at 3515 S Alaska St.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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