Wikli 2012, 05/23
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Neighbor News

23 May 2012 11:57

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ArtWalk galleries still on display

Last Thursday on May 17th we kicked off the first 3rd Thursday Columbia City ArtWalk. As part of the ArtWalk, six Columbia City businesses have opened up their walls and stores as ongoing gallery spaces for the summer. Each month the art will change, but we want you to see the art.

The six galleries are: Columbia City Church of Hope; Salon Adidez; Geraldine's; Edward Jones (Ali Zuberi); Pure Alchemy Salon; and Stash Quilt Shop. Each of these businesses has art up for you to look at.

Read more about the artists and the businesses so you can go check them out before it changes!

moc.liamg|wnetaercstra#retnuH neB, Director


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Columbia City merchandising consultant

The Columbia City Business Association "CCBA" is now accepting applications for a merchandizing consultant to assist neighborhood businesses with various aspects of their physical presence, including lighting, signage, and product display. Experience with lighting will include both external and internal lighting. The ideal candidate will have experience working with small businesses on these and other areas relating to their physical presence, as well as familiarity with the challenges and opportunities of doing business in a designated historic district. This is a paid position.

moc.liamg|abcctnekekim#tneK ekiM


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Eat, shop, play & buy local on MLK

Eat, Shop, Play and Buy Local on MLK

The free 2012 MLK Business Association business district tour schedule is now available:

  • June 9 @ Graham 10:30 -12:00
  • July 14 @ Othello 10:30 -12:00
  • August 11 @ Graham 10:30 -a12:00
  • September TBA @ Othello 10:30 -12:00

Sign-up for 1 or all 4 tours by calling Sarah Valenta @ 760-4213 or emailing gro.awthgisemoh|haras#gro.awthgisemoh|haras or visit our facebook page.

gro.awthgisemoh|haraS#atnelaV haraS


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I-103 corporations are not people

Meet-up at the Jus Bar (4908 Rainier Ave S), 6-7 pm on Wednesday May 23 to learn more about this initiative.

I-103 seeks to ban corporate spending in elections, restrict corporate lobbying to public forums and establish a community bill of rights including rights for workers and rights for nature.

We're currently gathering signatures to place Initiative 103 on the November ballot.

L GibbonsL Gibbons


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Laws of Nature: Laws of Man discussion series

The Rainier Valley Cultural Center is piloting a science and law discussion series in May and June. Featuring Morton and Phillip Tavel, scientist father and lawyer son, the series will explore the phenomena of the natural universe and the principles of society and how they affect us on Tuesdays, May 22 through June 12 at 7pm.

These discussions will be presented in lively, 50-minute talks, followed by a brief question and answer period. The discussions are independent of each other and audiences don't need to attend one to understand another. Tickets are $10 at the door.

The Rainier Valley Cultural Center is located at 3515 S Alaska St.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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