Wikli 2012, 04/18
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Neighbor News

18 Apr 2012 17:46

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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This Wikli leans toward events and announcements in support of our youngest demographic.


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16th Annual Kids Bike Swap!

Bike Works will hold its 16th Annual Kids' Bike Swap on Saturday, May 12, 2012, from 10am - 4pm at Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Ave S.

This event is an opportunity for families to trade in a bike their child has outgrown for a larger bike – just in time for the summer riding season! The Kids' Bike Swap helps to facilitate the flow of affordable bicycles within the community and keeps fully functional bikes out of our local landfills.

How the Kids' Bike Swap works:

gro.skrowekib|ofni#noxiN ziL


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Bike Works open house

Come on down to the Bike Works open house on May 4th from 5:30-8:30pm

Stop by and see our newly remodeled bike shop during our upcoming open house — 3709 S Ferdinand St. Enjoy music from youth groups from 6:30-7pm. Get information on our summer programs. Give aways and prizes! $1 off coupons to the first Beat Walk of the season on the same night from 7-10pm.

gro.skrowekib|ofni#noxiN ziL


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Columbia City Community Chorus spring session

Spring has finally sprung. The birds are singing and you can too, by joining your friends and neighbors in the Columbia City Community Chorus, directed by Kathleen Tracy. Our Spring Session runs from Tuesday, April 24 to June 12 (no rehearsal May 15). Lightness of spirit will be our theme for the seven week session, in keeping with the season. There's no audition and no singing experience required, just a desire to sing in harmony with others. Come join us.

There's also a Columbia City Children's Chorus — its spring session also starts April 24.

moc.ycartneelhtak|neelhtaK#ycarT neelhtaK


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Columbia City walk

11:30am - 1 pm Wednesday, April 25 Invite a friend and join Sound Steps for our monthly walk along the "Link to Lake" route, approximately 3 miles. Meet at the Columbia City Light Rail Station at S Edmunds St on the east side of MLK Jr Ave S. We'll walk to Lake Washington and back. RSVP to Mari Becker, 684-4664, vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram#vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram.

vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram#rekceB iraM


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Hawthorne Elementary's auction

Hawthorne Elementary is hosting its 2nd annual Masters of the Future auction Saturday, April 28, 2012.

A strong neighborhood school makes a strong neighborhood. Friends of Hawthorne PTA would love to see Hawthorne families, friends of families, future families, local businesses, community members and neighbors represented at the Auction.

Individual seats and tables are still available for sale.

Pete IPete I


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Low Rate Hauling, yard clean up & demolition

Hi, I'm John and I have lived in South Seattle all of my life. I am a former Kimball, Asa Mercer and Franklin High student. Yard work is my passion (all phases - yard cleanps to yard makovers. I will also haul away any unwanted items. Demolish fences, old garages, sheds, patios, deck, gut out walls for additions and new electrical. We also remove old carpet, flooring. We will meet or beat any reasonable bid. Please give me call for a free estimate. same day service. Ask for John 683-6412

moc.nsm|054_etarwol#nameloC nhoJ


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Meet author Amy Waldman

Come meet Amy Waldman and join in a discussion between readers and writer at the Columbia Library on Saturday May 5 at 4pm.

The Washington Center for the Book at The Seattle Public Library invites everyone to take part in Seattle Reads The Submission, a project designed to deepen engagement in literature through reading and discussion.

When a jury chooses a walled garden as the design for a ground zero memorial, they discover that its creator is a young Muslim American architect. They know their selection will unleash a firestorm of controversy and they are proven right. In the conflicted response of the jury and the public, The Submission asks hard questions about the American values of tolerance, diversity and community.

Duan LiDuan Li


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new musical theater class for kids

The Anything is Possible Theatre Company announces a new musical theater class for kids coming to the Rainier Valley Cultural Center. The class will take place on Saturdays 10am - 12noon beginning on April 21 - May 19. For ages 6- 12+.

ten.knilhtrae|602repooc#repooC nellE


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Rainier Valley CDF annual meeting

Our 10th anniversary celebration and annual meeting is scheduled for April 24th, 2012 at the Filipino Community Center of Seattle located at 5740 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S. Please join us between 5:30 - 7:30pm.

To RSVP please contact Michelle McGuire at gro.fdcvr|eriugcmm#gro.fdcvr|eriugcmm or 722-5280 ext. 104

Michelle McGuireMichelle McGuire


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Retroactive Kids 5th birthday party

Please join us Saturday, April 21 for Retroactive Kids and Columbia City Cuts 5-year birthday party.

Come enjoy our Open House 10 - 5pm. We will have goody bags, giveaways, raffle items and cupcakes. Located at 4859 Rainier Ave S, in Columbia City. Come celebrate with us!

Beth, Trisha and Dina



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Ukulele Group Classes with Kathleen Tracy

Strum a little island vibe into your spring and get ready for those lazy summer days ahead — a new 4-week session of group uke classes starts April 24. Come learn the fundamental skills to get you playing this versatile, portable, and fun instrument.

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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