Wikli 2011, 12/21
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

22 Dec 2011 00:31

Welcome to Week 172

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: the end and the beginning

As the year rounds to a close, Citizens look forward to renewed light, hope, and vigor.


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A New Years celebration for the 99%

Bust the Banksters in 2012!

Ring in the new year with northwest rabble-rousers at the annual gala hosted by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party. Festivities include an Eat-Like-the-Rich Buffet, dancing, no-host bar, and a satirical "Riotous Year in Review."

New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S
Door donation $5, buffet donation $15

moc.liamg|eciffopsfnivek#hctaH niveK


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blue Christmas

The Christmas season celebrates joy and hope. But hope is not always present in a way we can feel. This special contemplative services will allow us to enter into the darkness of the season, waiting for the light, and resting on words of comfort and healing as we enter the longest night of the year.

Wednesday, December 21, 7:30 pm
Columbia City Church of Hope
3818 South Angeline Street

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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celebrating the end & the beginning

It's been a great year of music making at Columbia City Theater and we're going to end the old year and start the new one with a bang. We'll be celebrating the holiday's with a campy horror film and hilarious commentary by our own Mark and Luke, a local rock show with Koko and the Sweet Meats and we'll spend the last days of 2011 and the first moments of 2012 dancing. When shows aren't happening, we'll still be pouring you delicious craft cocktails in the newly repainted Bourbon.



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Christmas at Church of Hope

Columbia City Church of Hope invites you to Christmas services

  • 5pm on Saturday, December 24
    Family-friendly Christmas Eve service with candlelight, story and songs
  • 10:30am on Sunday, December 25
    Christmas Day service with carol sing-a-long

All are welcome!

3818 South Angeline Street

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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