Wikli 2011, 11/30
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30 Nov 2011 19:24

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Celebration -- Valley & Mountain

Valley & Mountain is a new spiritual community/church in the Rainier Valley. Our mission is to build a radically hospitable community, rooted in grace, that practices deep listening and creative liberation. We celebrate the diversity of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, primary language, and spiritual identity in our community and our neighborhood and strive to create an inclusive environment.

Join Valley & Mountain for our next Celebration on Sunday, December 18 4-5:30 in the Columbia School building, 3651 S Edmunds St.



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Columbia City Mural Project

Community Arts Create (CAC), in alliance with Urban Artworks, is organizing and spearheading a collaborative art installation.

The project is simple: a consortium of organizations partner with our featured artist to create individual panels to be joined together in a larger mural. Artist Emily Taibleson will provide the overall design while the organizations provide the content, each participating in a "Conception Workshop", collecting visual images, stories and memories to help sketch the final product.

moc.liamg|wnetaercstra#retnuH neB


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Hawthorne Elementary Winter Bazaar

Friends of Hawthorne are proud to present the 3rd annual Hawthorne Elementary Winter Bazaar.

Saturday, December 3rd from 10am to 2pm
Hawthorne Elementary School gymnasium, 4100 39th Ave S

Come on out and have some fun with your family, friends and neighbors and support a great neighborhood school.

Pete IPete I


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Holiday Bazaar at the LSP Community Club

The annual holiday bazaar at the Lakewood Seward Park Community Club is on Saturday December 3rd from 10-4.

Stop by and begin your holiday shopping locally with the local artisans who will be presenting their creations.

There will be a raffle prize drawing each hour and homemade food including fresh baked Fisher Scones, home made chili and warm beverages offered for sale.

moc.liamg|reganamccpsl#yevraH aliehS


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holiday kickoff at Columbia City's lighting festival

The air’s getting crisper, the days are getting shorter, and the streets are filling with holiday shoppers. The holidays are here, and in honor of that, Columbia City will be hosting a variety of events and activities to celebrate the season.

This year the Columbia City Business Association and its members will be launching a redesigned holiday event, one that includes and spans Columbia City's entire business district along Rainier Avenue South. Columbia City's first Annual Holiday Lighting Celebration will begin at 4:45 p.m. on Saturday, December 3, at the Southwest corner of Rainier Avenue South and South Hudson Street. Details are here.

moc.raeweye-kniw|elehcim#elyaB elehciM


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Jazz Night School at Rainier Valley Cultural Center

Three performances! Friday Dec 2, 7pm, Saturday Dec 3, 3pm & 7pm.

Big bands, vocalists with a jazz trio, a Jamaican popular music ensemble, and small jazz combos. Come hear the fun and have a great time. Admission is $10 for adults and children are free.

moc.loohcsthginzzaj|kire#nosnaH kirE


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office space available

Southside Commons, a local community center, has an open non-profit office space available to rent.

  • approx. 400 sq ft
  • private bathroom
  • one separate office space with door
  • big open reception area

Southside CommonsSouthside Commons


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pediatric practice in Rainier Valley


The Urban Impact Health Center is considering opening a non-profit pediatric practice in the Rainier Valley in the fall of 2012. I'm a pediatrician living in Columbia City and have been involved with the formation of this clinic for the past 2 years. We're soliciting parent feedback to best understand the need for pediatrics in our community. Please consider taking 10 minutes to complete our Interest Survey.

Thank You!
Joe Sherman, Pediatrician
Dave Kwok, Clinic Manager
Urban Impact Community Health Center
722-2052 x211

Joe ShermanJoe Sherman


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SEEDArts wine tasting & holiday auction

SEEDArts is hosting its annual Wine Tasting & Holiday Auction on Thursday, December 1 from 6-9 pm at the Columbia City Gallery, 4864 Rainier Ave S.

The event features Washington wines from select boutique wineries from our local region, a silent auction of unique experiences, such as a trip to Disneyland, handmade quilts, an airplane excursion, wonderful art & jewelry and a buffet of Northwest foods. We'll raffle a half case of wine to one lucky winner. Tickets to the event are $30 per person or $55 a couple at BrownPaperTickets, or call 760-4286 with credit card information. We require advance purchase.



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We're partying this week at Columbia City Theater

We've got a busy week ahead of us to start the final month of 2011 at Columbia City Theater.

Wednesday its all old-timey pickin' and stompin' with Washover Fans, Thursday we're excited to welcome Koko & the Sweetmeats back to the stage, Friday we're donning our dancing shoes for a night of local r&B with Shaprece, Lucas Field & Prom Queen, Saturday we're throwing a big welcome home shindig for Shenandoah Davis and The Local Strangers who are both returning from national tours, they'll be joined by Big Sur & Hannalee for a night that will sell out, and Sunday we celebrate Empire of Sleep's new CD with CCT favorite The Solvents opening.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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