Wikli 2011, 03/02
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

02 Mar 2011 14:21

Welcome to Week 134

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: projection and reflection

Our Wikli is always what we make of it, and it's become a good space for promoting neighborhood events and activities. It's fun and rewarding to be a part of our shared local scene of hardworking and creative businesses, busy sidewalks, and connected Citizenry. With so much going on, our site could happily keep projecting our local news.

But here's an added invitation. It would be interesting to read more about what you think about Columbia City. What's important to you about this place? Where have we been? Where do you think we're headed? How do we fit together? The discussion is yours to start.


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CCBA seeks program manager

The Columbia City Business Association (CCBA) is seeking a program manager to assist the CCBA in implementing a multi-faceted business district "Action Plan". The opportunity is an 8-month-long contracted position, with the potential of continued work in subsequent years depending on funding and performance.

The Action Plan consists of some 25 strategies grouped into five topical areas: organization and outreach; business development; safety and cleanliness; marketing and promotion; and pedestrian environment. A base contract amount of $40,000 is anticipated, with the potential for an additional performance-based incentive. The program manager will work as an independent contractor.

Rob MohnRob Mohn


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Columbia City on MSN

Columbia City was highlighted in an MSN feature called From blighted to bling: 10 revitalized neighborhoods in the US. There is a slide show that features "urban neighborhoods that were forsaken in the 1960s, '70s and '80s are staging a resurgence".

There's a slideshow where you will see all 10, which include SoHo in Manhattan and Cabbagetown in Atlanta.

Shelley MorrisonShelley Morrison CCBA Marketing Committee


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Mid-March Massage Move

Later this month, Columbia Citizen Wendell Dyck will be moving his massage practice (Massage For Seattle Inc.) out of his home and into the Weed Bldg in the heart of Columbia City.

Five years ago I started seeing massage clients in my home. For the first several years, while I was still practicing law during the day, that was a wonderful option. Now that my focus is squarely on my massage practice it's time to move the business a few blocks to a larger (and cat free) space.



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Rainier Community Kitchen

Rainier Community Kitchen is an opportunity for neighbors to gather to cook good food together and go home with meals for their families. Our combined shopping dollars go to healthy, vegetarian ingredients and we enjoy learning new recipes as we cook together. Currently, we meet on the second Thursday of the month, 6:30-8:30pm.

Register by 5pm Wednesday, March 9 for the class on March 10. The fee is $25 and you'll enjoy two hours of camaraderie with your neighbors, a sense of accomplishment, and 4-6 servings of 4 menu items to take home.

moc.liamg|snilloc.l.ailuj#snilloC ailuJ


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SPLAB Word Orchestra

SPLAB's word orchestra, a multi-voice poetry performance group will be performing at this year's Folk Life Festival.

This year's performance will be a multilingual, cross generational, multicultural effort around the festival's theme "telling our story. " There is room to get involved, if interested contact Jeremy Springsteed at moc.liamg|deetsgnirpsmj#moc.liamg|deetsgnirpsmj


gro.balps|nep#nosleN luaP


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spring art classes at City Art Farm

Home school and after school classes start March 21 and run through May 25. Ages 7-13. Check out www.cityartfarm.com for more information, or email Joan at moc.liamg|mraftraytic#moc.liamg|mraftraytic.

after school: 3:30 - 5:30pm
Monday: Peter and the Wolf marionettes
Tuesday: master works
Wednesday: drawing 101

home school: 10am - 12pm
Monday: blasting color
Tuesday: scientific drawing

joan engelmeyerjoan engelmeyer

logo (5).jpg

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St. Edward Multicultural Celebration

Join us for the Third Annual St. Edward Multicultural Celebration, hosted by St. Edward School! Enjoy an evening of great ethnic appetizers and desserts, entertainment by our diverse cultural community, and a silent auction to support our school's operating budget.

Saturday, March 5, 2011, 5:30pm
4200 South Mead Street

Tickets are $25 in advance through Brown Paper Tickets, or $30 at the door. For more information call 725-1774.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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