Wikli 2010, 11/03
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Neighbor News

03 Nov 2010 14:32

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Whether you're pulling a refreshing pint at one of our establishments, checking out the infectious rhythms of our music scene, or looking for meaningful ways to get involved in the community, this week has it all on tap.


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neighborhood in the news

from the P-I: Plucky Columbia City theater fights to survive

"We decided to do a stock offering as a way to restructure the debt," Doyle said. The theater plans to offer 480,000 shares of stock in the theater at $1 a share (purchasable in lots of 100 shares) by Jan. 1. The idea has a proven populist punch; a similar "crowdfunding" approach was used to produce the 2009 film "The Age of Stupid," a well-received feature film with an environmentalist message.



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abUSed: The Postville Raid

Join internationally acclaimed film maker Luis Argueta, for a screening and discussion of his new film about immigration justice. The 30-minute film, "abUSed" tells the story of the largest and most brutal immigration raid in our nation's history which happened in Postville, Iowa in 2008. Weaving together personal stories of immigrants and a presentation of the forces fueling migration to the U.S., the movie and discussion will spur us to imagine what creative liberation could look like in this, the country's most diverse zipcode (98118).

Monday, Nov 8, 6:30pm
3818 S Angeline St; Columbia City Church of Hope

moc.liamg|epohyticaibmuloC#epoH fo hcruhC ytiC aibmuloC


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arts & crafts sale

Sat & Sun, November 13th & 14th, 12 - 5pm
Cultural Corner at Columbia School (NE Wing — enter off of S Edmunds)

We've got nine vendors, including three artists from the Columbia City Gallery, selling a wide range of items: jewelry, painted gourds, handmade soap, knitted items, canvas bags, photo calendars and cards, candle lanterns, holiday decorations, chocolate truffles.

Also, live music provided by the Jazz Night School (Saturday at 2pm) and Arts in Motion faculty band (Sunday at 3pm).

moc.ogidni-esum|ennaoj#ylleK ennaoJ


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Arts Gumbo -- The Rhythms of Sole

Arts Gumbo presents Rhythms of Sole on Saturday, Nov 13 at 6pm at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center. This family focused event features Northwest Tap Connection in a cultural journey through African American music guided by rhythm tap dance. After the performance, a variety of traditional African American desserts will be offered.

Led by Louisiana native and tap dance historian Melba Ayco, Northwest Tap Connection is a distinctive urban dance studio specializing in Rhythm Tap. NW Tap Connection’s dancers perform works by emerging and master choreographers and incorporate a variety of dance styles such as African, jazz, modern, ballet, swing, ballroom, and hip-hop.

gro.elttaesdees|egdirmulpj#egdirmulP irreJ


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Columbia City has a new author

Local music educator publishes his first book: Marimba Orffology.

Matt Kelly is a music educator with the Kent School District, and has lived in Columbia City since 2000. He's published his first book, a book with instruction and nine new arrangements of Zimbabwean-inspired marimba music arranged for Orff instrumentation.


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Genesee CSO Reduction Project -- public meeting

Seattle Public Utilities is working to improve the health of Lake Washington by reducing combined sewer overflows (CSOs). During heavy rains, stormwater and sewage may overflow into the lake — causing a CSO. Seattle Public Utilities has identified locations for the Genesee CSO reduction projects. We plan construction for 2012-2014 at these locations:

  • The parking lot along Lake Washington Blvd. between 48th Ave S & 49th Ave S (property owned by Seattle Parks & Recreation)
  • The open park space at S Alaska St and 54th Ave S (property owned by Seattle Parks & Recreation), or in right of way at 54th Ave S.

Please attend the public meeting on November 9 to learn more. If you would like to attend this meeting but need an interpreter, please call 826-4767.

vog.elttaeS|OSCG_UPS#tcejorP noitcudeR OSC eeseneG

Logo (secure)

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Green Seattle Day, Nov. 6

Plant a tree for the annual Green Seattle Day in your woods! The Green Seattle Partnership has selected Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View as a site for this great, citywide, tree-planting event!

Save the date and come over to Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View (one block west of the Columbia City Light Rail Station) on Saturday, November 6 from 10am-2pm. We need your help to plant 200 donated trees as part of the City's Green Seattle Day, a day dedicated to planting trees in our urban parks.

Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View is one of 14 city parks selected for this great event! Bring your family and have your kids name their very own tree that they can visit year after year…and register by clicking this link.

ude.ups|gnojedm#gnojeD yraM

GSD 2010.jpg

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massage discount for fall

A Season to Heal Integrative Bodywork & Massage offering $60 for a one hour massage! It's fall, it's cold. Your muscles are bracing against that wind and rain — come unwind with a healing treatment within walking distance of your home!

We've recently added two new fabulous therapists to our practice, Pheobe Agena and Julia Stewart. Both should be familar faces for Columbia City. You can find their bios and availability on our website, aseasontoheal.com as well as their contact info. Or you can become a fan on Facebook.

moc.liamg|laehotnosaesa#yaD namuarG anneJ


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new late night snacks coming soon

We've got more than exciting shows coming to Columbia City Theater! Not only is burlesque returning to our stage this week, as well as one of Canada's biggest new stars, we're also cooking something up in our brand new kitchen! Keep your eyes peeled and your stomachs ready for a new menu of snacks and sandwiches coming from The Bourbon Bar very soon.

Friday October 5th, Sound on the Sound presents Black Whales, Dan Mangan and Jared Mees & the Grown Children

A best of the Pacific Northwest bill, Sound on the Sound is celebrating Black Whales 7'' release, as well as Jared Mees & The Grown Children from Portland and Dan Mangan from Vancouver, BC. This will be Mangan's first Seattle show in years, but the Polaris Prize Nominee has been selling out shows all over Canada.

more after the jump


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public forum: stop police brutality in our community

Friday, November 5, 7:30pm at New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S. A panel of civil rights attorneys and grassroots organizers will address concerns about lack of police accountability that have arisen during the recent surge of shooting deaths and abuse complaints.

Civil rights attorneys Lem Howell and Val Carlson, social worker Griffin Street and Native American activist Feanette Black Bear will kick off a community discussion and offer solutions to escalating police violence.


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Seattle Youth Commission -- youth community meeting

The Seattle Youth Commission is a group of 22 Seattleites aged 13-19 from all over the city who are appointed by the Mayor and City Council to connect youth to their elected officials.

They do this in three main ways:

  1. Hosting Youth Community Meetings throughout the city to hear directly from young people.
  2. Using input from the forums to advise and influence the Mayor and City Council.
  3. Hosting the annual Youth Town Hall, which gives all of Seattle's youth the opportunity to talk directly to their Mayor and City Councilmembers.

There's a Youth Community Meeting coming up at Rainier Community Center from 4-6 pm on Tuesday, November 9th; it'll be a great chance for local teenagers to come out and talk to the Youth Commissioners and let them know what your most important issues are.

vog.elttaes|laerralliv.los#laerralliV loS


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short internship opportunity

The CCBA Marketing Committee is looking for an intern or volunteer to help with a project highlighting the local, independent owners in Columbia City. This will tie into the Office of Economic Development's Buy Local campaign, Only in Seattle, which will be featuring our neighborhood.

Looking for a person who can help coordinate photography, copy and graphics for a poster campaign and web page. Photography skills would be a plus. This is an unpaid opportunity, but offers good exposure and training for someone interested in marketing, advertising, PR, and/or community building. We'll do the bulk of the work in the next 3 - 4 weeks.

If interested, please send a resume and cover letter to Shelley Morrison, ten.nosirroms|ams#ten.nosirroms|ams

ten.nosirroms|ams#nosirroM yellehS


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Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls

At times funny, biting and somber Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls: Memoirs of a Bulimic Black Boy is the groundbreaking and crushingly honest reclamation story of a fat, gay, bulimic, black boy raised by white parents and struggling to find beauty, acceptance and safe spaces — in a world short on all.

With playful humor and sharp observance, Sitting in Circles… takes audiences on an intense and insightful journey, along the way unpacking the mother lode of identity construction and self-preserving mechanisms. Yet, with the performer's greatest gift being the ability to find playfulness in the midst of grief these stories are funnier than they are tragic. Ultimately demonstrating how even the most painful of experiences can be reclaimed, transformed, and accepted for what they are: the building blocks of our unique identities.

Nov. 19th & 20th, Doors 6:30pm Show 7pm. more details here



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winter classes at City Art Farm

Winter classes start December 6th. Check out the new website, cityartfarm.com

Homeschool, afterschool and adult art classes at City Art Farm
December 6- February 8

moc.liamg|mraftraytic#reyemlegnE naoJ, 327-3297


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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