Columbia City's Neighbor News |
06 Oct 2010 13:46Welcome to Week 117of theColumbia Citizens' WikiVery cool. |
your Wikli-fix: scoopedNeighborhood news comes to Columbia Citizens from all directions. It can be a news item, a blog post, or just a little bird. You may not always hear it here first, but we sure appreciate it when you share what you know. It's a fun challenge to pull all that neighborhood insight into one tight Wikli package. Enjoy. |
Live locally.Firefighter story time at the library!? Can't miss it. You can post a calendar event — here's how. |
BeatWalk 2010 video showcases 15th yearThanks to everyone who made BeatWalk 2010 a success. We're lucky to have such wonderful volunteers, organizers, musicians, venues, sponsors, community members and the enthusiasm of hundreds of attendees who support our local summertime music festival - 15 years strong! Special thanks to Dan McComb, local filmmaker, for volunteering his time and talents for making this wonderful short film. Until next May - Enjoy!
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Columbia City Farmers Marketkids tent: Salon Adidez event: apple tasting 4pm free
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Columbia City parkingLast summer, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) put in a restricted parking zone (RPZ) for several blocks around the new light rail station to support resident and business parking. We're preparing for a follow-up parking study this November to see how it's working. SDOT has also been approached by the Columbia City Business Association with requests to change parking in the business district. We'd like to hear from you and get feedback from the neighborhood. Read more...
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overheardA few newsy tidbits from around the neighborhood:
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punk and jazz at Columbia City Theater…and Trivia Night coming soon! Seattle's vibrant music scene is so much more than bearded folk singers and flannel shirts, so we're thrilled to have two nights this weekend that highlight the diversity of the Seattle sound. Friday it's all about punk rock, while Saturday original Latin Jazz and Salsa songs will fill the theater.
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Seward Park Playground Opening CelebrationJoin us to celebrate the grand opening of the new playground at Seward Park! Sunday, October 24th, 1-3pm Free music, art activities, magician, ice cream, cookies and cider! Come explore your new playground! We're extraordinarily proud of the results of this true community collaboration and consider it a testament to what Seward Park means to all of us in south Seattle and beyond. It is more than just a playground — it's an innovative showcase that combines active play, environmental awareness, and art appreciation.
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