Wikli 2010, 08/18
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

18 Aug 2010 10:56

Welcome to Week 111

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi

This one's another bi-Wikli. We'll be back on September 1st.


your Wikli-fix: summer celebrations

There's a true parade of summertime parties coming up. They're in the streets, down by the water, and in some of your favorite neighborhood hangouts. Celebrate Columbia City.


Live locally.

Be sure to turn out for some great summertime events!

You can post a calendar event — here's how.

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Arts In Motion's 2nd Annual 'Summer Breeze' at Kallaloo

Hip and hypnotic as a soothing Caribbean rhythm, Arts In Motion teams up with local dining hot-spot Kallaloo, Sunday, August 22, to cook up a delicious coolness and beat the summer heat. This tasty fundraiser for the Rainier Valley's community school of the arts features live musical entertainment by AIM's talented students and faculty.

gro.loohcsmia|r.imoan#neduR imoaN, 723-3131


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Community for Youth, benefit screening

a fundraiser — Sunday, August 29th
Southside Commons, 3518 S Edmunds St
Program begins 3pm — free admission
Mr. Samuel Martin, Master of Ceremonies and Community for Youth graduate

Rainier Beach High School (RBHS) Community for Youth (CfY) Alumni Association announces a benefit screening of the award-winning documentary Heart of Stone.

CfY is a school-based four-year mentoring program working with at-risk students. Upon completion of our mentoring program graduating seniors become eligible for Alumni Association support during their pursuit of higher education.

Richard HodginRichard Hodgin

Graduating Students.JPG

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MOHAI Minute features Columbia City landmark

The Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) presents a series of short videos that take you on a time-traveling journey to some of Seattle's most fascinating historic spots. This week, learn about Columbia City's historic Peirson house:

gro.yrotsihelttaes|kajvid.neleh#kajviD neleH


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RV Heritage Parade & Summer Streets Party

Saturday, August 21 from 11am to 3pm

The Rainier Valley Heritage Parade celebrates life in America's most diverse zip code — 98118! Summer Streets Party follows the parade — Rainier Avenue will be open for people to play, walk, bike, shop, dance, relax and eat from S Brandon to S Alaska!

About the event:

  • The parade happens every year (this the 18th year)
  • Summer Streets helps people imagine what life could be like if fewer people drove and more people walk, bike, ride transit and shop locally
  • People can walk, have picnics, practice sports, ride their bikes safely and without the noise of cars

moc.rebmahcreiniar|liam#sivaD nasuS, vog.elttaes|grebnellehcS.nwaD#grebnellehcS nwaD


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Summer Cycle Celebration and Coffee Jitters Alleycat!

Join Bike Works in celebrating cycling, summer, and our community! In conjunction with Seattle Parks & Recreation's Bicycle Sunday on August 29th, we'll be throwing a party complete with bicycle games and contests, music and entertainment, yummy food, and more. In addition, Empire Espresso is organizing the first ever Coffee Jitters Alleycat benefitting Bike Works, which will be ending at the Summer Cycle Celebration! Both events are happening on Sunday, August 29th. More information at bikeworks.org.

gro.skrowekib|hcaertuo#yddeR ihtnayaJ


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This Week at Columbia City Theater and The Bourbon

It's another packed week at Columbia City Theater and The Bourbon Bar and we have something for everybody: an outdoor stage during Summer Streets Fest, Seattle's sexiest musician, the Electric Freak Show, your chance to take the mic during karaoke and stiff drinks & great tunes to dance to.

Saturday 8/21 - We'll be open early Saturday to celebrate Columbia City during the Summer Streets Fest. Starting at 11am we'll be selling hot dogs, as well as our extensive selection of Bourbon, before sharing some great local music on our outdoor stage.

12:15 - Ryan Purcell
1:15 - Luke Stevens
2:15 - Thomas Crown



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this week at the Columbia City Farmers Market

Music: Arts in Motion
Kids Tent: GNC Painting
Haytons Berries are back this week as they are every OTHER week this market season.

If you support Farmers Markets, please post our invitation to our annual fundraiser, the Incredible Feast.

Catherine BurkeCatherine Burke


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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