Wikli 2010, 06/30
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Neighbor News

30 Jun 2010 12:34

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: spirit and soul

What's the soul of a neighborhood? The places we care about? The ideas that inspire and motivate us? How we work together? Locals once channeled their civic identity as Seattle Spirit. Today our local soul seems broader and more complicated. Take a look at this week's offerings and share your own insights.

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Live locally.

a Buddhist perspective on climate change, more grand opening events at the Theater, a special event at the library, and this week's Bike Sunday is on Monday.

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Climate Solutions from Buddha

Speaker: Vishaka Smith, Ph.D.
Rainier Vista Neighborhood House, 4410 29th Avenue S
Thursday July 1st, 6-7:30pm

Over 2500 years ago Buddha realized the natural laws of the world and provided us with a path to follow in order to create health, peace and freedom within us and around us which included our environment i.e. other living beings and the nature. His teachings are applicable even today because those are the laws that describe how things manifest in the world including our climate. Dr. Smith will compare and contrast aspects of what Buddha taught with how most of us live today and point out things we can do to reduce climate change.

gro.elttaeselbaniatsus|sRATS#secruoseR dnA gniniarT ytilibaniatsuS


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meditation group

I wonder if folks in the community are interested in getting together (at my house initially) to meditate together. I practice Vipassana mindfulness meditation from the Theravadan Buddhist tradition. I've been sitting for 2 1/2 years, have read lots of wonderful books and articles on Buddhist psychology and meditation practice, and go to a weekly class on Cap. Hill Friday mornings.

I'd love to start a small group here in the 'hood with like minded neighbors and friends.

ten.tsacmoc|1tnadam#namtnA sirI


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more Theater Grand Opening events

It was down to the wire, but we did it — the doors opened on time and everything went off without a hitch on the Columbia City Theater's re-opening weekend. Stop by and say hi any day — our front bar (The Bourbon) is open from 4pm on, with a variety of entertainment. Our free theater shows continue this weekend with the Maldives and Zoe Muth on Friday and The Whore Moans, Lesbian and Chinese on Saturday.

moc.retaehtyticaibmuloc|sbab#llehctiM arabraB


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Seattle Humane Society's MaxMobile visits Farmers Market

Come visit the adoptable animals aboard Seattle Humane Society's MaxMobile when it visits the Columbia City Farmers' Market on Wednesday, June 30. There will be cute cats to warm your lap, a dog or two to get you walking, and even a couple of rabbits or guinea pigs to snack on your leftover vegetables. Share your summer with a new best friend!

gro.enamuhelttaes|llib#reseuK lliB


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Seattle Tilth's chicken coop tour

Saturday, July 10 from 11am to 4pm
Cost: $25 for Seattle Tilth members, $30 for non-members. Each ticket allows a family or 4 individuals to participate.
Buy tickets online

A self guided tour to visit folks who are keeping chickens, as well as goats and bees, right here in the city of Seattle. On July 10, you can take a look at how people are raising urban livestock and incorporating animals into their home landscape. You will see simple coops built in an afternoon and elaborate houses that took weeks of planning and building. Learn from seeing what your neighbors are doing. Ask questions about coop building techniques and materials, daily chores, managing waste and any other questions you have about keeping chickens or urban livestock.

gro.htlitelttaes|dyobeniale#dyoB enialE


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work party cancelled, Cheasty/Mt. View

Due to the July 4th holiday weekend, we have decided to not hold the first of the month July work party in Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View. However, we will be back out in the woods on Saturday, August 7 from 10am-12pm. Please mark your calendars and plan on doing important restoration work with your neighbors and community.

We've completed our first planning phase for a trail system in Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View. The plan is fantastic and very exciting to imagine!

ude.ups|gnojedm#gnoJeD yraM


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Zinery 101 at the Columbia Library

Tuesday, July 6th 2010, 3 – 5pm

A zine is a self-published magazine. Learn the basics and make your own zine with Lucy Morehouse of Ong Ong Press. All materials will be provided and we'll have free snacks and prizes! For ages 12-18. Space is limited, so call the library at 386-1908 to register.

gro.lps|srelles.etak#srelleS etaK


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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