Live locally.Consult your community calendar.
In the calendar, you can click through to each event's online information. If a local event is missing, please send a Citizen's alert. |
Columbia City Cinema
Seattle's Coolest Neighborhood Theater
Starting Friday 8/21, we've got Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. Who knew Brad Pitt was single-handedly responsible for winning World War II? Bizarre, edgy, Tarantino-ish fun ala Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. Julie & Julia and District 9 continue for another week. Look for The Hurt Locker on 8/28. Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date movie information! Or, better yet, sign up for our weekly newsletter and get movie times delivered straight to your inbox. |
Columbia City Farmers Market
[This is for yesterday's market. Hope you got to enjoy it.]
Summer is winding down with the sweetness of peaches and this week Rama Farms returns with their amazing stone fruit. Also at Market: loads of crisp, sweet corn and crunchy sweet and tart apples, signaling the beginning of apple harvest! And please join us for a cooking demo featuring Chef Gerold Castro of Kawali Grill as he cooks with carrots 4-6pm. Next week: Canning Demo! Please don't park in the Bank of America parking lot. That lot is reserved for bank customers only until 6pm, and market shoppers will be towed. See you at the Market! — Janet Hurt |
At the library
All locations of The Seattle Public Library will be closed due to budget cuts Aug. 31-Sept. 7. For more information, visit www.spl.org or call 206-386-4636.
Play and Learn Thursdays August 20th and 27th from 10:30am to 12pm. Grupo Bilingüe de juegos para padres y cuidadores con niños entre las edades de nacimiento hasta 5 años. / Bilingual play group for ages birth to 5. Summer Reading Come to the library for your last chance to sign up, find out about summer events, and win prizes! Library programs are free and open to the public. Everyone is invited to attend. |
Music for EveryoneParent/Caregiver & Child Music Classes Music for Everyone offers music classes that inspire young children and their parents/caregivers to dive into music exploration together! Musician and teacher Jana Vitols has taught families since 1998, encouraging them to sing, play instruments, and discover the connections between music and movement. Music fundamentals are woven into games, songs, stories, and puppet play. Children are given opportunities to play instruments and dance, with the live accompaniment of guitar, violin, and banjo. The curriculum draws from classical, folk and world music and dance traditions. Weds, Sept 16 - Nov 18 // Thurs, Sept 17 - Nov 19 For more information: www.musicforevery1.com |
Artists' Reception — Columbia City GalleryPlease join us on Sat, August 22nd (5-8pm) at the Columbia City Gallery for an Artists' Reception.
This event is free and we encourage the public to attend. |
Rainier Valley Sustainable Garden TourThe 2009 Garden Tour is August 22nd! Advance tickets:
Day-Of-Tour tickets (Available after 9:30am 8/22/09):
Please contact us with any questions gro.ruoTnedraGyellaVreiniaR|ofni#gro.ruoTnedraGyellaVreiniaR|ofni Formerly the Columbia City Garden Tour, this year we are expanding to encompass the diverse gardens of the Rainier Valley — both private and communal. Co-sponsored by Sustainable South Seattle, this year's focus is on sustainable garden practices. |
Israeli Film, The Lemon TreeBrit Tzedek v'Shalom's monthy Film and Discussion Salon presents The Lemon Tree, at Columbia City Cinema, Thursday, August 20, 7 pm. This is a monthly series focusing on Israel and work for Israeli-Palestinian/Mid East peace. Free; donations are welcome. Only 50 seats, so rsvps are recommended: 442-2077 or gro.molahstb|elttaes#gro.molahstb|elttaes. read more... (synopsis, awards, and critics' reviews). |
Columbia City landmarks reviewColumbia Plaza, Empire Espresso, Sushi and Thai, all in one place! This Friday 8/21, our neighborhood Landmark District review committee will consider four different items.
The agenda says they start at 4pm. They meet in the basement of the library. |
Come see the proposed park designs for 46th and Juneau!There have been two community meetings so far about the proposed park at 46th Ave S and S Juneau St. Neighbors are working with landscape architect John Barker on making a fun park that reflects the diversity and spirit of the community! After lots of input and innovative ideas from folks, we've narrowed the park designs down to one which incorporates as many of the community ideas as possible. This proposed park plan will be up for community comment on August 26th, Wednesday, 7pm, at the park site (46th and Juneau). |
The Not-Its!The Not-Its! rock the Healthy Parks, Healthy You Fair, Saturday, August 22nd 3:30pm — Cost: free! Seward Park Amphitheater The Healthy Parks, Healthy You Fair runs from 2pm until about 5pm. We're playing at 3:30, but there are two other fun, healthy acts before us! Make a day of it and eat some veggies before you rock (but not while you rock). What a beautiful setting to dance at this amphitheater! |
Your input wanted: neighborhood plan updateThere have been a great number of changes since the original plan was created over a decade ago. While many of the principles and strategies still make sense, we also have the threat of global climate destabilization, the new light rail station, the listing of salmon as an endangered species, and the recent financial market collapse. Seattle's Planning Commission is updating our plans to acknowledge the changing world and our changing community. read more... Please go check out the video, look at the existing plans, and look at the status update. Most importantly, fill out the survey and make your views matter: http://www.cityofseattle.net/planningcommission
Healing space for subletGreat homey space for massage, naturopathy, counseling or other healing work. Fully equipped with recliners, massage table, sink and bathroom. Home of the Community Acupuncture Project of Columbia City.
Located in the historic district of Columbia City at 3811 S Ferdinand St @ Rainier. Close to light rail, bus lines and street traffic. Interested? Contact Sonja or Angie at 760-6064 or moc.liamg|llaroferutcnupuca#moc.liamg|llaroferutcnupuca to see the space and learn more. |
Othello Park International FestivalJoin us for the Othello Park International Festival this Saturday, August 23 from noon to 6pm at Othello Park (4351 S Othello). There will be food, dance, games , prizes, entertainment, booths and more. Live music on stage throughout the day wll include Mariachi Colima, Supersteppers, Captain Leroy's Zydeco, Vovinam Lion Dancers, Adefua, Girls Steel Pans, Kreative Khaos, Audio Couture, and more. There will be free food as well as a dinner served by Plaza Garcia for $3. All the while a herd of friendly goats will be grazing on the hillside. More info at our website or by calling 992-7034. |
aLIVe at Seward ParkPlease join us for an exhibition that promises to re-energize how we think about our transportation system. On Saturday, August 22nd a Low Impact Vehicle exhibition (aLIVe) will be at Seward Park from 10am – 3:30pm. The term "low impact" has a dual meaning describing both the impact of a vehicle on a pedestrian, as well as the environmental impact. The implementation of low impact vehicles would generate a huge range of public benefits, including increased mobility for transit and freight. A bicycle is a low impact vehicle, but what else can we imagine? Artists, inventors and community members envision a new type of transportation system designed around the human body. Everything from poetry to prototypes will be on display! |
Cierra Sisters, Inc. monthly meetingCierra Sisters, Inc. is an African-American breast cancer survivor and support organization, conceived and founded by Bridgette Hempstead, a breast cancer survivor. "Cierra", an African name meaning "knowing" reminds us that when we have knowledge, we have power against the effects of breast cancer. We welcome all cancer survivors, supports, caregivers, family and friends. meeting information: |
Columbia City in the news
… That's the news.
Columbia City in the blogossiphere
Amber at the Rainier Valley Post says she doesn't want direct links from the Wikli's blogossiphere over her concern that gossip just isn't her brand. We still encourage you to check out her blog.
Columbia Citizens' posts
new members
site updates
New photos in the Citizens' gallery. |
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