Wikli 2009, 03/04

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Neighbor News

Welcome to Week LXX

of the Columbia Citizens' WikLi

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The Wikli is an informal e-flyer with news for neighbors. Anyone can contribute, and anyone can edit.

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Columbia City Clock & Banner
by missjenn

More photos in the
gallery — share yours!

Live locally.

Consult your community calendar.

  • a Hillman City Business meeting (Wed),
  • tax help at the library, storytime for babies, and an evening book group (Wed),
  • a class in acrylics (Thu-Fri),
  • a boys and girls mosaic project (Thu),
  • story and playtime at the library (Fri),
  • C-City runners (Sat),
  • a greenbelt work party (Sat),
  • an artists reception (Sat),
  • an African drums CD release party (Sat),
  • a book talk & community forum (Sun),
  • and Citizens post more events all the time!

In the calendar, you can click through to each event's online information. If a local event is missing, please send a Citizen's alert.

Expand this view Post your own Columbia City event

Columbia City Cinema

Seattle's Coolest Neighborhood Theater

Hello everyone and happy March. Thank you all for a fantastic February!

We are continuing our runs of Slumdog Millionaire and Milk through Thursday, 3/12. Starting Friday, 3/6 is Frost/Nixon, the most riveting TV interview you'll ever see. Two protagonists really go at it and you sit mesmerized. It will play for only a week or two, so here's your chance to see one of the last good ones before the usual Hollywood fare comes out.

Coming next Friday, 3/13 is Revolutionary Road.

On Facebook? Join the Columbia City Cinema group. Just another great way to stay on top of all that’s happening at Seattle's Coolest Neighborhood Cinema.

See you at the movies.

Cinema link

Columbia City Theater

The Columbia City Theater is proud to announce the return of Stephen Smartt our amazingly-talented open mic night host. So stop by Tuesday night for a great open mic experience!!!

  • Wed — XIL Records presents: Ninthgate, Stories Under Sin, Edge of Oblivion, HMP, Sickamore, Pummel
  • Thu — (theater) Sweet Dreams: The Music of Patsy Cline performed by Rachel Flotard, Kim Virant, Star Anna, Kristen Ward, Victoria Wimer Contreras & guests
    (lounge) Women In Arts & Music: Susan Harper Band, Moe Provencher & Kellee Bradley
  • Fri — 20 Riverside, AudioArt, Untold Theory, Sight vs. Sound
  • Sat — (theater) The Cauze - CD Release Party! w/ Panda Conspiracy Outpost
    (lounge) Puget Sound System
  • Sun — VerleeRose CD Release Party w/ Shotty, Candysound & Whitney Ballen
    Anthony B. w/ special guests DJ Kuhney, DJ Jigsy, DJ Element
  • Tues — (theater) Tues. Night Matinee w/ Justin King, The Soft Hills & Guests
    (lounge) Open Mic Night w/ host Stephen Smartt

full details here

theater link


The Columbia City Gallery is pleased to announce two concurrent exhibits opening Wed, March 4. In the Guest Gallery: "Upsidedownism" by Vietnamese artist Dai-Giang Nguyen and in the Main Gallery: "Thinly Veiled," new work by gallery artists Jacqui Beck, Shari Kaufman, Fasika Moges & Annie Moorehouse. Both exhibits run from March 4-April 12.

Please join us for an Artists' Reception on Sat, March 7 (5 - 8pm). This event is free and open to the public.

Gallery Hours: Weds - Sat (12 to 8pm), Sun (10-6pm)
Contact: Kathy Fowells, Gallery Manager, 760-9843

gallery link

homemade worm bin workshop

Made possible through Department of Neighborhoods grant

Where: Orca K-8 Greenhouse 5215 46th Ave. S
Date: Saturday March 7th, 12-2pm

  • Make your own indoor worm bin to take home
  • Learn how worms create a great natural fertilizer for your plants and garden
  • Learn how to maintain this easy composting system under your kitchen sink
  • Reduces your organic kitchen wastes
  • Composting is an efficient way to divert organic wastes from our county's solid waste stream
  • Everyone is welcome. Event is free!!

Please RSVP with gro.sloohcselttaes|nitrameb#gro.sloohcselttaes|nitrameb or call 252-6918

Orca K-8 garden

Mapathe Diop — CD Release Party

Sat, March 7 (6pm-Midnight) @ Rainier Valley Cultural Center

Please join Mapathe Diop for a CD Release Party on Sat, March 7 from 6pm-12am at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center. Free West African Cuisine. All ages welcome

Live performances by Atlantic Melody (from Guinea), Edouard Souarez, Naby Camara, Abdoulaye Diabate, Modibo Traore, Souleymane N'Diaye, Lamine Thioub, Awal Alhassame, Manimou Camara, Karim Koumbassa, Mapathe Diop, Gora Diop, Thione Diop and Yeke Yeke.

For more information, call 326-0865

Mapathe Myspace link

two March food drives to benefit RVFB

Feinstein Challenge: help us raise food and funds
The Feinstein Foundation will award $1 million to hunger fighting agencies this year. RVFB's share of that donation depends on how much money and food is raised in March and April. So the more we collect, the larger the Feinstein donation, and the more people served (every food item we collect in March and April will count as $1 in the Feinstein Challenge — and of course, every dollar we collect will count as $1)!

  • Where: The Safeway Store located at 3820 Rainier Ave S
  • When: Saturday, March 21 & Sunday 22 from 10am - 6pm
    Saturday, March 28 & Sunday 29 from 10am - 6pm

[read more...]

Thanks so much for your interest. Hope we see you at the food drive!


Friends of Cheasty Greenspace/Mt. View

Neighbors — We are hosting our monthly forest restoration work party this Saturday, March 7 from 10-2pm and would greatly appreciate your time and energy!

Thanks to some devoted time from the Student Conservation Corps in the month of February, Cheasty Greenspace at Mt. View is really looking good. There is still a lot of ivy to be pulled though! Come on out and be apart of the beginning efforts of this special south end park.

We meet at 2809 S. Alaska Place; all tools and gloves are provided. — Oh, and did I mention that pulling ivy is especially cathartic in these tough economic times? :)



Book Talk & Community Forum

Sun, March 8 (4-6pm) @ Rainier Valley Cultural Center

In honor of Women's History Month, please join us for a Book Talk & Community Forum featuring Author and Educator Hillary Potter, Ph.D. speaking about her book 'Battle Cries: Black Women and Intimate Partner Abuse'. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact: Garry Perry (ude.uelttaes|gyrrep#ude.uelttaes|gyrrep)

Battle Cries link

Pure Alchemy Salon

  • Now through March 14th new Pure Alchemy clients can receive 10% off by mentioning this posting.
  • Returning clients can receive 20% off by recommending four people — (*offer applies after four clients have received hair service)

Pure Alchemy's vision is to provide safe, affordable and stylish hair care to a wide variety of clients. We believe that the pursuit of beauty should not adversely affect your health. That is why we use only the best organic, non-paraben, vegan products currently on the market. With a line of non-carcinogenic products and sulfate free options you are sure to find just what you need to keep your hair, and your body, happy and healthy! We offer downtown services at Columbia City prices with parking for only fifty cents an hour!

PureAlchemySalon.com or call 723-6064 to schedule your appointment.

Pure Alchemy

Expressive Acrylic Painting Workshop

Thu & Fri, March 5 & 6 (10am-4pm) @ Rainier Valley Cultural Center

Focus on abstracting & stages of a painting with instructor Jacqui Beck. Learn how to use collaging, underpainting, and layering techniques as you bring more life to your paintings and more enjoyment to your painting process. The workshops are open to participants with all levels of experience. [$135 for 2day workshop]

To register, email moc.kcebiuqcaj|iuqcaj#moc.kcebiuqcaj|iuqcaj or call 325-7267

Jacqui Beck link

Join a Dream Circle with June BlueSpruce

Join an ongoing dream circle! You'll be amazed at the help and guidance you receive through your dreams — and the connections you feel with others when you share them. It's great fun too!


June BlueSpruce

Columbia City in the news

  • Hillman City's Afrikando Afrikando: great food with a side of quirkiness

Times link

… That's the news.

Columbia City in the blogossiphere

Amber at the Rainier Valley Post says she doesn't want direct links from the Wikli's blogossiphere over her concern that gossip just isn't her brand. We still encourage you to check out her blog.

{"module":"feed\/FeedModule","params":{"src":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.run?_id=ef14422aefc53751225aedd85d5b515f&_render=rss&tag=blogossip&startdate=2\/26\/2009&enddate=3\/5\/2009","module_body":"%%linked_title%%\n[[span style=\"color: #666; font-size: smaller;\"]] %%custom author%% [[\/span]]"}}

Columbia Citizens' posts


Hillman City Posts


site updates

  • The neighbors page has a whole new look, with images and direct links to neighbors' most recent updates. Hopefully it's much more accessible, and hopefully you'll jump in with a link to your own site!

New photos in the Citizens' gallery.

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