Wikli 2008, 09/24

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Neighbor News

Welcome to Week LI

of the Columbia Citizens' WikLi

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The Wikli is an informal e-flyer with news for neighbors. Anyone can contribute, and anyone can edit. Subscribe to the Wikli. You'll get one email per week.
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Current — the next Wikli is taking shape,
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Columbia City Apartment by lavie22

More photos in the
gallery — share yours!

Live locally.

Consult your community calendar.

  • Farmers Market (Wed),
  • SE District Council (Wed),
  • a house concert (Wed),
  • storytime (Fri),
  • a square dance (Fri),
  • Bicycle Saturday,
  • a running group (Sat, Tue),
  • Drinking Liberally (Tue),
  • HCBA (Wed),
  • an evening book group (Wed),
  • a coyote presentation (Wed),
  • Big Night Out (Wed),
  • and Citizens post more events all the time!

In the calendar, you can click through to each event's online information. If a local event is missing, please send a Citizen's alert.

Expand this view Post your own Columbia City event

Columbia City Cinema

Seattle's Coolest Neighborhood Theater

Burn After Reading continues to be a barnburner and will continue for another week at least, and be sure to come on down and see Vicky Cristina Barcelona which ends this Thursday, 9/25.

Starting Friday, 9/26 is Tyler Perry's, The Family That Preys.

Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date movie information! Or, better yet, sign up for our weekly newsletter and get movie times delivered straight to your inbox.

See you at the movies.

Cinema link

Columbia City Farmers Market

Fall has arrived… and the Columbia City Farmers Market is open through October 22, overflowing with fabulous fresh vegetables and fruits. Look for yellow, red and orange carrots, eggplants in dark purple, white and striped, peppers mild, sweet, hot and burning, fresh basil (now's the time to make pesto and freeze it for later, when fresh basil is no longer available), crisp apples from tart to sweet, beets in gold, red and striped (and beet greens are packed with vitamins), all kinds of tomatoes, potatoes and lettuces… Not to mention excellent cheeses, baked goods, fresh pasta, wild-caught salmon, pasture-raised goat and beef, and fresh eggs.

Janet Hurt
Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance

market link

At the library

Preschool Storytime Bring your preschoolers on Fridays at 10:30 am to enjoy stories, rhymes, songs, and fun with our children's librarian.

Homework Help Starting Monday Sept 22nd, volunteers will assist students with homework on a drop in basis. Mon - Thurs from 5:00-7:45pm.

September 27 - October 4 is Banned Books Week! Come to the library to see what books were challenged in the past year and leave with a good read!

Evening Book Group Wednesday October 1st from 6:45-7:45. Join us for a book discussion at the Columbia Branch. Everyone is welcome. This month’s title is Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy — pick up your copy at the library!

library link

chain link fence removal at Orca

this Saturday, September 27th, 10 am, Orca@Whitworth 45th & Dawson

Come lend a hand on a neighborhood beautification project we can all take pride in…

We're going to take out the outer layer of chain link fence along the North side of the Whitworth Playfield (along Dawson at 45th, approximately) this Saturday, starting at 10 am. The goal is to get the fencing off the poles, roll it up to be recycled, and get started digging the poles out of the ground.

Call if you want to help or need more details: 722-5177 or moc.loa|3amojoj#moc.loa|3amojoj.


neighborhood de-fence

A Chinook Book, direct to your door

A fundraiser for Graham Hill Elementary.

Chinook Book is a coupon book that supports local businesses and gives straightforward and simple ideas about improving health and reducing impacts on the environment. Coupons are easy to use: for food, services, and fun family activities.

A couple trips to the grocery store pay for the book — the rest is gravy. Local, organic, free-range gravy no less!

Please take a look at the Chinook Book website for a listing of all coupons. Each book sells for $20, and the school receives $10 of that.


fundraiser link

Combating Crime

Like most of us, I'm concerned about the seeming increase in crime, including armed assault in our neighborhoods. I've had informal discussions with some neighbors and I attended the first meeting of the newly formed Southeast Seattle Neighborhood District Council, a breakoff group of the Southeast Seattle District Council, on Tuesday the 7th. The increased crime issue was addressed and we were encouraged to write paper letters to city officials, council members, media representatives, our State Senator, etc., voicing our concerns and asking for the fulfillment of hiring 50 more police officers as budgeted for in 2007.


Columbia City in the news

  • Park(ing) Day basked on the front page.

P-I link

… in news.

Columbia City in the blogossiphere

Amber at the Rainier Valley Post says she doesn't want direct links from the Wikli's blogossiphere over her concern that gossip just isn't her brand. We still encourage you to check out her blog.

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Columbia Citizens' posts


Hillman City Posts


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