Community Arts Create: IndieGogo Fundraiser!!
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Community Arts Create: IndieGogo Fundraiser!!


Community Arts Create was founded with the idea that we need human connection. We believe that through shared experiences and collective achievement, our community grows stronger and the relationships that we have with each other can be developed with a greater level of respect.

In June, we signed the lease on our first space, and we are so proud to call it our home! Located in Seattle's Hillman City, we've spent the last 5 months renovating our new home, with the vision of creating a neighborhood incubator, providing our community with a place to work, play, and hang out with each other.

We're hosting our FIRST crowdfunding effort through IndieGogo. By contributing to this fundraiser, you'll be helping us finish our renovations to this beautiful building, as well as help us usher in the programming IN OUR SPACE, that we've been offering to the community over the past 3 years!

Our new space will be called The Hillman City Collaboratory: An Incubator for Social Change. The Collaboratory serves as an instrument of transformation, specifically designed to create community and equip change-makers.

Located at the very heart of Hillman City, an event space and drop-in center, a community park and garden, a learning kitchen, and a co-working space could do wonders for this neighborhood.

In just three years of existence, Community Arts Create has proven our abilities to break down barriers and create community. We have track records of success in rallying neighborhood involvement, amplifying local voice and pride, forging collaborative partnerships with other organizations, and in bringing people together to live out the values of service, justice, and mutual concern in practical ways.

What We Need & What You Get

Out of the $50,000 that we are asking for, half will be directed towards further renovations. We will do a major overhaul of our kitchen, creating an experiential space catered to group learning, and community dinners. A giant redesign of the backyard will allow us to create a community park & garden, with picnic tables, garden beds, a greenhouse, and outdoor performance space. We will outfit a 1,300 sf room as a co-work office space, so that local, grassroots not-for-profits have a professional place to work, meet, and reach the next level in their development. Lastly, we will transform the larger, 2,000sf room into a mixing chamber, an event space used for events, workshops, classes, and community get-togethers. Thus far, through incredible volunteer efforts and in-kind donations, we've been able to take on renovations with little cost to us. With your contribution, we can move to the next stage to finish this project.

Over the last 3 years, we've successfully implemented programming through South Seattle on a very limited budget. Through small donations, and an exceptional crew of volunteers, we've been able to install community created murals, host recurring, summer ArtWalk events, provide 2 years of food & garden classes, and deliver in-school music residency programs. Up until now, we've taken all of these programs TO schools, community centers, alleyways, and street corners. Now we can start to develop these programs in our own space. The other half of our ask will help us expand our programming to the community, allowing us to reformat our current programs to this new space.

Benjamin Hunter, gro.etaercstraytinummoc|retnuh.b#gro.etaercstraytinummoc|retnuh.b

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