Columbia City's Neighbor News |
Easter egg hunt & potluck brunch
Celebrate Easter with Columbia City Church of Hope. Sunday, March 31 2013. Service at 10:30am with joyful music, readings, reflection, and Sunday School for the kids. Easter egg hunt and potluck brunch after the service (noon).
Everyone is welcome: Old, young, gay, straight, believers, doubters, fence-sitters, activists, poets, and slackers. Come as you are!
We also invite you to join us for Holy Week services.
Maundy Thursday, March 28, 7pm.
Commemorate Jesus' final meal with his friends and experience the simple yet profound ritual of living out Jesus’ commandment to “love one another” by washing each others’ feet. We invite you to carry it one step further by bringing two new or gently used towels to the service, which will be donated to Compass Housing Alliance. Compass provides 150 free showers every day and will gratefully share the donated towels in their programs for homeless men and women. It’s easy to remember—two feet, two towels!
Good Friday, March 29, 7pm.
Contemplative service with candlelight and music from Taize, reflecting on Jesus’ last hours and the power of his refusal to perpetuate cycles of violence. Joint ecumenical service with Valley & Mountain and Rainier Beach United Methodist Church, and Columbia City Church of Hope.
3818 S Angeline St, 722-5651
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