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English tutoring services
I was a Chicago Public Schools high school English teacher for 7 years; I now live in Seattle. I have a Master's degree in Education and a Bachelor's in English. I teach all ages, all abilities - children, teen, adult, SpecialEd, ESL/ELL students, and have recently taught Research & Writing courses for the University of Phoenix.
$25: reading/writing/grammar teacher for hire / private tutor
I can tutor you or your child in any of the following areas:
- Drafting/Revising/Editing essays
- Preparing college applications
- SAT/ACT/Written Exams TestPrep
- Fundamentals for Grammar, Syntax, & Mechanics of writing
- Improved reading fluency
- Vocabulary enrichment
- Greek/Latin etymology study
- Preparing personal statments, cover letters, & resumes
- Style, tone, clarity development
- Persuasive, Narrative, Expository, Descriptive writings
- Defending your positions with CEC: Claim, Evidence, and Commentary
- Preparing & writing Research papers
- Spanish translation services
about me:
I was a Chicago Public Schools High School English Teacher for 7 years; I now live in Seattle. I have a Master's degree in Education and a Bachelor's in English. I am fluent in Spanish and can help with translation services.
I attended the University of Notre Dame for undergrad and National-Louis University for grad school. I am a National Board Candidate for Licensure in English/Language Arts areas (10 exams for Board Certification). I used to work for the University of Notre Dame Admissions Office — I can help you customize your college applications! I teach all ages, all abilities - children, teen, adult, SpecialEd, ESL/ELL students, and have recently taught Research & Writing courses for the University of Phoenix. I am patient, kind, professional, courteous, and hard-working. I am a huge fan of cheesy jokes - my favorite one: "What did the father buffalo say to his son when he left to catch the school bus in the morning?" Answer: "Bison." Haha! My classroom was full of all kinds of cheesy jokes to share. ;)
rates & location:
- $25 for one hour session or $40 for a two-hour session
- One-on-one help
- Meet at local coffee shop
- Flexible meeting times for mornings, afternoons, evenings
- Different levels of English tutoring offered: Basic, Proficient, Advanced
PLEASE BRING ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS TO EACH TUTORING SESSION, e.g., your laptop, essay prompts, resumes, applications, textbooks, TestPrep materials, paper, pencil/pen, highlighters, etc.
I look forward to helping you improve your Reading, Writing, and Grammar and have FUN doing it!
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