overcoming racism: a radical approach
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overcoming racism: a radical approach


This eight-week public class will utilize works by writers of color, feminists and radicals to explore the roots of racial prejudice, the leadership role of people of color in social justice movements, and the challenges and rewards of organizing across racial divides.

Mondays, March 12 – April 30, 7-9pm at New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S.

The first session, on March 12, will focus on the theme "Has racism always existed?" The March 19 class will discuss "Profit and prejudice under capitalism."

Fee includes class materials: $20 for entire series or $3 per session; youth rate $1. Co-sponsored by Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party. Snacks available at 6:30pm for a small donation. For more information or to arrange childcare: 722-2453, moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesPSF#moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaesPSF, or socialism.com.


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