Pumpkin Push 5K
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Pumpkin Push 5K

Pumpkin Push Logo_2011.jpg

Health & Halloween fun at the 16th Annual Pumpkin Push 5K to Care for Seattle's Homeless Saturday, October 29 at Seward Park. Choose from the timed 5K Run or the 2 Mile Family Walk route through beautiful Seward Park. Join in all the race festivities for treats from our sponsors (free companion tickets on Amtrak Cascade, anyone?), stop by the Kids' Zone, grab a pumpkin and stay for the post-race ceremony with prizes for top finishers, Costume Contest and the Seattle Zombies.

See all the timeline details, register, fundraise & donate at PumpkinPush.com

Avoid day-of-race lines and take a look our newest clinic.

Halloween fun while pushing for health care! The 16th Annual Pumpkin Push 5K to Care for Seattle's Homeless is a timed 5K run, or 2 Mile Family Walk packed with Halloween fun, amazing sponsor perks, and benefits patient health care to Neighborcare Health's 7,000 homeless patients.

Help us close the gap in heath care by raising $200 or more, and be eligible to win a vacation package for two on the Amtrak Empire Builder Trip to Essex, Montana along with a two-night stay at Izaak Walton Inn, a $200, $100, or $50 gift certificate to Whole Foods Market. All proceeds from Pumpkin Push benefit homeless programs at Neighborcare Health, where in 2010, we provided health care to more than 7,000 homeless adults, children, and unaccompanied youth. – Help us reach our goal of raising $60,000!!!

Join-in all the post-race festivities for a special performance by the Seattle Zombies and treats from our sponsors (free food, trials, pumpkins and Amtrak Cascade companion tickets!!!). The Post-race ceremony hosted by John Curley, will name the winners and present prizes of the Costume Contest. - We will also honor the top three finishers in the 5K men’s and women’s divisions. Prizes for top finishers include gift cards, and gift baskets from Super Supplements, and more!

Race Day Schedule:
8:00 am - Day-of Race registration & Pre-registered Packet Pick-up opens
9:30 am - Day of Race registration closes
9:45 am - Pre -registered packet pick-up closes
10:00 am - 5k Run & 2 Mile Family Walk begin
10:15 am - Festivities begin
11:00 am - Award presentation for top finishers & costume contest

Location: Seward Park
Address: 5902 Lake Washington Blvd South Seattle, WA 98118
Website: http://www.pumpkinpush.com

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