Columbia City's Neighbor News |
Valley & Mountain Fellowship celebration
Valley & Mountain is a spiritual community/church based in Columbia City with a mission to build a radically inclusive community, rooted in grace, that practices deep listening and creative liberation. It is made up of people with all kinds of perspectives who share a desire to create a more just and peaceful world and to grow in capacity to love and spiritual depth in the context of an open and supportive community.
Celebrations are one manifestation of what this community is, and involve a mix of meditation, yoga, art, poetry, music, making sandwiches for the food bank, a reflection, and a shared meal. Sunday, July 17, 4-5:30 PM, at the Cultural Corner in the old Columbia School, 3651 S Edmunds St (new location).
V&M Celebrations go like this:
- After a brief welcome and song, all are invited to spend about 30 minutes in a room of their choice. Recognizing that different people encounter the sacred in a variety of ways (and that even the needs of a single person tend to vary), we provide several options for folks to choose between. These options vary depending on who is available on a given Sunday but may include meditation, art, yoga, jamming/singing, found poetry, sandwich making (for the Rainier Valley Food Bank), etc.
- We regather around tables in a central room. Someone shares a reflection.
- Finally, we eat a light meal and digest what we experienced that day with those at our table: what we experienced in the first part and from the second part what resonated with us or what we disagree with. We end with a song and farewell blessing.
FYI: wear what you like (most people dress casually). We delight in the fact that our community contains diversity of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, primary language, and religious (or non-religious) identity.
To learn more, visit: or email the convener, John Helmiere, at moc.liamg|ereimlehj#moc.liamg|ereimlehj.
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