Rainier Beach Learning Garden Design Meeting

Come share your ideas for the new community learning garden! The garden is located behind the tennis courts on Rainier Beach Playfield. It gives our children a place to learn about healthy eating, nature stewardship and environmental change.

This is the second of 3 meetings. At this meeting, we will compare several designs.

Tuesday, April 20 6:00 - 8:00 PM
South Shore School
4800 S. Henderson St.

Food and childcare will be provided.
Translation services available - please request by April 13.

Questions? Sharon Lerman (206) 619-5196 or gro.htlitelttaes|namrelnorahs#gro.htlitelttaes|namrelnorahs
or Emily Fuller (206) 684-7047 or vog.elttaes|relluf.ylime#vog.elttaes|relluf.ylime

Meeting #3: Review preferred plan
Tuesday, May 18, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

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