We had a great October meeting and we wanted to pass on some information to the whole group…
1. Save the date for the November S3 meeting- 11/12 7-7:30 at Co. City library
We will have an election results debrief. We are inviting State and Local elected officials to lead a discussion about the election results and how they effect sustainability and the local organizing community. More information to come.
2. We had a great guest speaker, Todd Burley come from the Seattle Parks foundation to discuss the details of Proposition 2 the Pro Parks levy renewal. For more information and to endorse the levy, check out www.seattleparksforall.org .
3. Dick Burkhart led a discussion about the Mass Transit Now Proposition. For more information check out, http://www.masstransitnow.org/
4. We discussed the possible bus changes in South Seattle. More information here.
5. Save the date for
The Southeast District Council has teamed with the Greater Duwamish
District Council to host TRANSIT TRANSFORMATION, an event intended
to provide tools and information necessary for the community to have a
meaningful role in the planning process. Please come to this
community-sponsored event to learn about neighborhood planning at the
light rail stations and to discuss how to create vibrant, successful
I have attached a flier to this email so that all of you can distribute
this information broadly and encourage the members of your organizations
to attend.
Time and date: Saturday, October 25th from 12:00PM to 3:00PM
Location: New Holly Gathering Hall, 7054 32nd Ave S
Food, beverages and child care will be provided
To request translation services, contact Yun Pitre, Department of
Neighborhoods, at 206-386-1924 or vog.elttaes|ertip.nuy#vog.elttaes|ertip.nuy. Please request translation services by October 17.