Neighborhood Indicators to Action and Green Energy

Columbia City Library - May 13th at 6pm

Sustainable Seattle’s Neighborhood Indicators-to-Action Project

The Scorecard’s purpose is to be used in establishing baseline neighborhood health and sustainability assessments, comparing neighborhoods, and informing community action-planning. The indicators included in the report will include tree coverage, access to bike facilities, access to fresh food, and community inclusivity, among others.

Informed by the Scorecard, the neighborhood will identify and complete a small project that seeks to improve the neighborhood’s levels of sustainability, specifically related to climate protection. Specific project ideas will be selected by participating community leaders. This project is meant to build on- and not compete with or duplicate- existing neighborhood efforts. Ideas for projects include: hands-on weatherization workshops, establishment of a garden, installation of bike racks, and fruit-tree planting. About $1500 is available to each neighborhood for these projects.

Energy Policy

Come hear about developments on energy policy at the local, state and federal levels. Carrie Dolwick from the NW Energy Coalition and NW Sustainable Energy for Economic Development will be on hand for an overview of energy policy followed by a discussion on community energy planning and development.

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