The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, in collaboration with numerous Seattle-based organisations, is organising a double-event with the 1984 Union Carbide gas leak tragedy in Bhopal, India, as the backdrop to discuss corporate crime, environmental racism and toxic trespass. One young person — Safreen Rafat Khan, a second-generation victim of Union Carbide's poisons — will be visiting Seattle with Satinath Sarangi, a long-time activist associated the Bhopal struggle, on 29-30 May, 2009. We look forward to your participation in the events. Kindly attend, and circulate this message to your friends and family.
Event 1: Film and Q/A Program (*Suggested contribution $5 to $10)
When: Friday, May 29, 2009. 7 pm to 9 pm
Where: 911 Seattle Media Arts Center,
402 9th Ave. North (South Lake Union - 9th & Harrison)
What: Film screening and Q&A. Details of films and speakers below
Local Sponsors: Tasveer, Association for India's Development (Seattle)
- Contributions will go towards organising event. Any amount in excess of costs will be donated to the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal.
Event 2: Panel Discussion on "Corporate Crime, Environmental Injustice and Toxic Trespass: Lessons from the 1984 Union Carbide Gas disaster in Bhopal, India."
When: Saturday, May 30, 2009. 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Where: Communications 120, Stevens Way E, University District, University of Washington
Safreen "Rafat" Khan: A 16-year old second-generation victim of Union Carbide's poisons, Safreen is co-founder of Children Against Dow Carbide, a children's group that has committed itself to keeping the fight for justice in Bhopal alive for as long as it takes.
Satinath Sarangi: A long-time Bhopal activist, and founder-trustee of Sambhavna Trust clinic, an award winning free holistic clinic for survivors of the Bhopal disaster.
Dr. Sheela Satyanarayana: Asst Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Univ. of Washington. An accomplished physician with expertise in pediatric environmental health, Dr. Satyanarayana has been a forceful voice of science in advocating for more stringent regulations on toxic chemicals, including Bisphenol A and phthalates.
Local Sponsors: South Asia Center of University of Washington, Association for India's Development, Washington Toxics Coalition, Tasveer, WashPIRG (Students - UW), WashPIRG, SEED (UW), South Asia Students Association (UW), Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, Amnesty International, Collaborative on Health and Environment - Washington, Commonweal-Northwest