We will begin building the new Learning Garden in 5 days! We’ve secured all the materials and funds needed to complete the build and have signed an agreement with Seattle Parks to use the land. The only thing missing is YOU!
The new learning garden is next to South Shore School and Rainier Beach Community Center, near the tennis courts and baseball field. It is a project of Seattle Tilth and the New School Foundation that will serve students at South Shore School, Kids Co, and Rainier Beach Community Center. We hope for the garden to become a locus of activity for the whole Rainier Beach neighborhood. At the moment, we are trying to fill shifts particularly on Saturday and Sunday.
We need 10-12 volunteers each day to complete the paths and raised beds within 5 days. Please email me today to let me know which shift(s) you would like to work.
If you can think of any other ways to get the word out, we have some money to support efforts, but need to act quickly. I have already created flyers if you want something to hand out. See you next week!
Jodi Newton
Work 206-303-6610