Rev. Robert Jeffrey Sr. is participating in the Group Health Bicycle Ride from Seattle to Portland to raise funds for the Clean Greens Farm & Market Project on Saturday & Sunday. We have a beautiful Farm that have all kinds of non-chemical Collards, Mustards, Turnips, Kale, Spinach Tomatoes and other produce. I have attached a pledge sheet. If everyone this goes out to will donate just 5 or 10 dollars or as much as you can, it will help us tremendously. On August 15th we will have a grand open of the Market right in the Central Area, 116 - 21st Ave. in Seattle.
You will be able to purchase the best greens you have ever had at a price you have not seen in the Seattle area. (We will have vendors. (Call for vendors information 206-324-3114) We need your help to assist in helping everyone to eat healthy produce that everyone can afford. The ride is approximate 200 miles. I am pledging $2.00 per mile. I am challenging you to join me. All Donations are Tax deductible. Thanks you in advance.
We accept Visa and Master cards also. Name, card number, expiration date and 3 digits on back of card. Make check payable to BDDTF/Clean Greens and mail to:
Attn: Lottie Cross
116-21st Ave.
Seattle, WA 98122
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