Final North Henderson Combined Sewer Overflow Meeting

Thank you for attending the community workshop for the North Henderson CSO Reduction Project on December 14 – we appreciate that you were able to take time out from your busy schedule to participate. The third workshop of this three-workshop series is coming up on Wednesday, January 19. Would you be willing to send notice of this workshop to you contacts, as you did for the previous workshop? Of course, we would also greatly appreciate your participation again!

Date:Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Location:Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Avenue S

This is the third workshop SPU is hosting during the early planning phase of the project. SPU has identified a short list of potential projects and sites near Seward Park and Martha Washington Park. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to:

·Compare the alternatives based on values identified at previous community workshops

·Understand the benefits and impacts of each solution

·Ask questions and provide input

More information about the project is available at:

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