Please join us for summer maintenance work in Dead Horse Canyon on Saturday, May 15th from 8:30 AM until 1:00 PM. For this project, we will be removing invasives from around the little native plants we planted over the winter. This is an extremely important activity because we want to give our new plants a chance to thrive. We will also be removing trash. (Jude has been nicknamed the "Trash Lady" and wants to continue to live up to her new moniker!) Another project will be the continuing work on the access trail from the Rustic Road site. So, roll up your sleeves, dress for the weather, flex your muscles and join us under the blue canopy at the hairpin turn at 68th and Holyoke (main trail head). We will provide tools, refreshments, gloves, advice, etc. Call us for directions or additional information at (206) 772-1452.
See you on Saturday!
Jude and Darrell