Combating Crime
Hi friends and neighbors: Like most of us, I'm concerned about the seemingly increase in crime including armed assault in our neighborhoods. I've had informal discussions with some neighbors and I attended the first meeting of the newly formed Southeast Seattle Neighborhood District Council a breakoff group of the Southeast Seattle District Council on Tuesday the 7th. The increased crime issue was addressed and we were encouraged to write paper letters to city officials, council members, media representatives, our State Senator, etc., voicing our concerns and asking for the fulfillment of hiring 50 more police officers as budgeted for in 2007. (There is some concern that this may not happen due to a budget crunch.) It was also suggested to reference in a letter, support for Tim Burgess' Safer Streets Initiative which he's introduced to the City Council (he's a councilmember representing Q.A.). You can google him and find the text of the initiative.
One neighbor suggested to me that we have an informal community meeting to discuss what if anything we can do to address these crime issues.
At the last Columbia City Community Council meeting there was talk of inviting Tim Burgess to the next meeting which will be on the first Mon night in Oct. at 6 pm in the CC Library. Stay tuned, and if he is able to come it would be an important meeting to attend.
Any thoughts, suggestions? I have a list of 20 people's address' to send your letters to. Let me know if you'd like a copy. Thanks, Iris Antman 384-9123 (c) ten.tsacmoc|1tnadam#ten.tsacmoc|1tnadam