This evening I sat in Columbia Park, next to the market. That scene says it all — when we get together to help make good ideas happen in our community, Columbia City succeeds. It's what drives this site: to help Citizens connect with each other and with what we value in the neighborhood.
Over the past year, many people have participated in this experiment in community building, the wiki. It's time for a wider discussion to share ideas and impressions.
Let's get together and talk about the future of the wiki.
Where: The Alehouse
When: Monday, August 18, 7pmn.b. laptops and libations don't mix. Leave yours at home.
There are so many angles, so let's make this a free-form discussion. Here are a few questions to think about beforehand.
- What do you want to do with Columbia Citizens?
- What's working? What could work better?
- What's motivated you to participate so far?
- What would make the experience more fun?
- What might motivate other neighbors?
In the meantime, here are some numbers.
- ~4000 monthly visits
- ~12 000 monthly pageviews
- ~30 comments per week
- ~270 total pages
- ~440 subscribers to Wikli alerts
- ~75 Citizen members
If you have ideas or questions you'd like to share, please use this comment thread. If this conversation is something folks enjoy, then maybe we can have it more regularly.