Night Out is a national crime prevention event on Tuesday, August 5. It's also a great excuse to clear the cars away, close down a residential street, throw a block party, and connect again with neighbors.
Planning these parties should be simple — and it is. We need people (the more the better), potluck, volunteers to share a few easy tasks, and some basic equipment (grills, a couple tables, some games, garbage pails, a guitar…)
So how do we assemble those parts and keep the planning to a minimum? Columbia Citizens can use the wiki to help organize a quick and easy neighborhood event.
A wiki is a website that anyone can edit. That means you too. Please contribute your ideas, sign up — and most importantly, show up.
Planning is already underway for two parties at 45th & Hudson and 44th & Ferdinand. If you'd like to start your own page, there's a template to help you do it.
- Choose your block party, or decide where you'd like to hold one.
- Take a look at the editable list. What's left?
- Find something you'd like to do or bring.
- Hit the "edit" button.
- Insert your name and some contact info.
- Save the page,
- … and you're done.