Last night, around 11:30, we heard steps on front porch followed by someone attempting to kick the door in. We yelled, ran up the stairs, and they took off. The next door neighbor saw the whole thing—3 black males, who had also been scoping out cars on the street. The police arrived quickly, but as far as we know, no arrests were made (although there were plenty of sirens throughout the night).
To consider: we live on Hudson, a block and a half West of Tutta Bella; it was relatively early on a Friday night…still lots of foot traffic from Rainier; we were clearly home….cars in the driveway, lights on; they went with the front door…clearly visible from the street and lit up; we clearly have an alarm (signs, stickers, etc.)
Overall, it was scary and a bit intense, but no harm done (even the door is fine). Police response was great. The kids slept tjhrough the whole thing.
Just wanted to post this to keep the neighborhood in the loop. There's definitely a possibility other folks might have had similar experiences last night as well.