Scott, thanks for bringing some attention to Hydrant Henge! The installation has been spruced up for the upcoming solar event and I hope some folks can come down to enjoy it.
Sure enough, this Saturday 6/21 is the summer solstice. It's the longest day of the year and the sun is highest in the sky…as a result, the shadows cast by the sun are shorter on the solstice than any other day.
"Solar noon" is the time when the sun is at its highest as it arcs across the sky during the day. Shadows from the hydrant cross the orange line at solar noon. Due to the vagaries of modern timekeeping and the tradition of Daylight Savings Time, that will occur at about 1:10 pm on Saturday 6/21.
If the sun chooses to come out from behind the clouds at that time, you will be able to see the shadow from the hydrant extend to the line where the finger is pointing on the yellow tile at its base, as seen in the first picture in the set above. That picture was taken in 2005…perhaps you will find it reassuring that the earth hasn't spun off its axis since that time! :)
I will be there to observe and talk about the project, if I'm able… Everyone is welcome to come on by Saturday afternoon and check it out!