Rainier Valley Post
The neighborhood blogosphere was a pretty sleepy place until the Rainier Valley Post went into hyperdrive. It's been going gangbusters this month, with more than 120 entries, all about southeast Seattle.
Blogger Amber Campbell has been hard at work to bring Southeast news and views to a local audience. You might have read her occasional Let's Talk essays in the Beacon Hill News / South District Journal, which she's posted in a separate blog, Citizen about Town.
The Rainier Valley Post is a good overview of what's going on in the area and leaves the "blogossiphere" section of the Citizens' Wikli full to brimming. She's listed the site alongside many other local blogs in neighbors.
- Want to get the RV Post directly? Paste this link into your feed reader:
- And while you're at it, you can paste in the feed for Columbia Citizens' comments, an easy and hassle-free way to tap in to your community.