37th and Hudson: late night (11:30pm) doorbell rings. This is second time. The person ringing is allegedly a "the neighbor across the street". But across the street are the new apartment buildings that only just now began leasing. This does not explain the first creepy ring while buildings were still under construction. Anyone else dealing with this? I don't mean to be un- neighborly but I don't open the door to strangers this time of night.
I've heard that last year there was a guy scoping the area on my block, which is 32rd and Ferdinand. he was described as a guy on a bicycle. This person may have been involved in a string of burglaries.
I got this information by a police officr by hosting a "Living Room Conversation" put on by SPD.
Maybe this guy was checking to see if you were home?
No one wants to be un-neighborly, so it's understandable that you took the risk despite your instinct.
It's really a tough call… but I'd say you don't have the obligation to answer, especially it is really late already. It IS weird to greet new neighbors at that hour.
One night two years ago I opened my door (also reluctantly) for a guy (on a bicycle!) who introduced himself as Patrick. Claiming that he was from a church nearby, he was accidentally locked himself out, and a locksmith was there helping him unlock, but he was 4 dollars short. So I (kindly, or stupidly) went upstairs to fetch 4 dollars. When I handed him 4 dollars, he revised and said "No, not 4 dollars. 14 dollars." Caught off guard, I actually gave him 14 dollars (readers, please applaud for my naivete). He said he would pay me back. Of course he didn't. That night I went online and found out that he had been going to different neighborhoods (from Beacon Hill to North Seattle) pulling the exact same tricks, even using the same name Patrick.
What you experienced may not be the same person. What I am trying to say is that if it doesn't feel right, don't do it.
I'm just seeing this thread. We got a visit from the same guy that night—African American-ish, 30s-ish, some facial hair, bike helmet on. We live on Edmunds and he rang our bell at 11:45pm while we were getting ready for bed. He said he was our neighbor, and when we told him he definitely wasn't any neighbor of ours he had some story about being friends with "Mike" over on 45th or something. He told us that he needed directions to Mercer and Fairview. Mercer and Fairview!? We did NOT open the door and we spoke to him through the glass because the entire thing was sketchy. This, apparently, insulted him and he yelled at us saying we were paranoid to not unlock our door. He seemed…overly ramped up. Too much caffeine? Too much…something? I didn't get a violent vibe from him, but the whole thing was definitely not on the up-and-up. After he walked off yelling we called the police to report a suspicious person. We've been robbed several times this past year so I wanted to make sure the police were aware of this guy. A police officer came by about ten minutes later. We explained the situation, and the officer said he'd keep an eye out for him during his patrol. That's my story.
I fully believe that if something seems fishy (like strangers stopping by at midnight to ask for directions) it probably IS fishy. Trust your gut, and let's all keep an eye out to keep our neighborhood safe.
ahh, crazy, we had this same thing happen not once, but twice (about 2 years apart), unfamiliar balck guy knocks at our door night time, states he is a new neighbor and needs directions to mercer and fairview-what up with that? We told him hes in the wrong neighborhood and to head south. Should have called police, will do next time, he seems to like our house. We live in the U dist
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