I went to the Mt. Baker rummage sale a week ago, there was a printout of all
participants at the Mt. Baker community center. Great exposure for the yard sale
participants! I figure we in the Columbia City/Hillman City area can do
something like that too, can't we? Surely we have the gumption!!
Here's my plan. Community wide yard sales on the weekend of June 4-5. I'm
having one regardless, so I'm in for sure. I'd like to see if there are other
households in our area that also want to have yard sales that weekend.
If so, let's coordinate and promote. I would be willing to collate all the data
from each participant and make a simple flyer with a google map of all the sale
locations on one side and a list of the addresses, what you have to sell, hours
of the sale, etc. on the other. I bet we could find a few businesses on Rainier
in our district to display the maps on the weekend of the sale for erstwhile
shoppers to pick up. The Rainier Valley Post would likely help promote it, as
well as the Columbia City wiki, and the bulletin board thingies on Rainier,
maybe even some of our local businesses (if you are one, please chime in!),
Craigslist and whatever else we can think of.
If you are interested reply to me and we'll go from there. If you have more
ideas on how to make it a success I'd love to hear them.