These workshops include both hands-on and show-and-tell demonstration. Plus we’ll be tasting samples of various ferments throughout the afternoon. All of the foods that we will make and/or taste are organic.
The classes are spaced three weeks apart on alternating Saturdays and Sundays. The duration of each class varies depending on the topic and amount of questions, or on how much fun we’re having. Most workshops will run approximately 3-4 hours.
Space is limited to 8 participants. You can save money by registering one week prior to a workshop, or by registering for all 6 classes.
workshop descriptions, articles, and registration at
The Krauts (Basic Lacto-Fermentation)
Feb. 12, 2011
Saturday 1PM
Miso Paste
March 6, 2011
Sunday 1PM
Beverages (Non-alcoholic)
March 26 , 2011
Saturday 1PM
April 17 , 2011
Sunday 1PM
May 7, 2011
Saturday 1PM
May 29, 2011
Sunday 1PM