Oh, Scott - I'm kind of disappointed you're not actually taking a technology break! But kudos to you for your commitment to this form of communication - I think we're so lucky to have someone like you, who's dedicated to making it happen.
I think the new site is too busy, and as someone who develops websites for organizations, here's my two cents.
I think the most user-friendly thing you can do is lay out a "home" page that offers fewer choices so people can get to where they want to go faster. Having too many choices means slowing down to read and digest them all. And it's a good idea to only have 3 - 4 different typeface sizes and styles to help with visual clutter, and instead focus on grouping information into boxes or areas.
It's nice to have what's happening on a particular day appear, but at the same time I don't mind (personally) clicking one link to get to the calendar. It takes up a fair amount of screen real estate.
Maybe you've seen these already, but I did a Google search for "community wiki" and found these:
http://wiki.netbsd.se/Main_Page (I like the icons - easy to see what's offered at a glance)
http://wiki.maemo.org/Main_Page (a clean layout)
http://community.jboss.org/en/wiki (more like a traditional website with tabs)
And just to play devil's advocate, I think the layout you've got works just fine. Enough people are discovering it on an ongoing basis, why make us learn something new? If it 'aint broke, why fix it? Just gotta ask …
Thanks for all you do!