Hi Neighbors!
You may have heard about the National Health Care Day of Service on June 27th. It is part of the Organizing for America initiative around President Obama’s health care reform. The day of service can involve anything that relates to the health of your community. I am hosting an event for our neighborhood, and I hope you will be a part of it.
My event is simple – those of us with gardens are starting to harvest some produce. If you have any extra vegetables or fruit, please bring it to my house on Friday, June 26th. I will load it all up and take it to the Rainier Valley Food Bank Saturday morning. I have contacted the food bank, and was told that fresh produce is greatly appreciated and will go quickly. Anything you can donate will be fantastic.
And if you don’t have a garden, but would still like to be a part of this National Health Care Day of Service, please feel free to donate other healthy food items. I feel strongly that the health of our community is tied to the foods we eat, and the willingness to help our neighbors.
If you plan to donate, please drop me a quick email so I know how much to expect.
My address is 4204 S Kenny St. It’s on the corner of 42nd Av and Kenny, right across from the Brighton Playfield. Donations can be left on my front porch if I’m not there.
Thanks very much!