Truth be told, this Citizen has resisted the siren song of social media, suspecting facebook, myspace and their ilk might turn out to be just so many more online obsessions. And they are. But the lure of the neighborhood's internet-work is strong, and there's a rush of new interest in Columbia City connecting.
Christo de Klerk kicked off a Columbia City group awhile back, and this week it's breezed past 200 members. If you're a facebook member in the "Seattle, WA" network, you can join and invite your neighbors.
This seems to be another good way for Citizens to self-identify and share information. Facebook isn't a wiki, so it won't replace what we're doing here. But facebook might make it easier to connect with the friends of our friends — a useful tool in this neighborhood. So let's see if this helps with the community building we do here — check it out.